CTD since SU7 - Safe Mode runs Great

Flight Simulator program crashes and shuts down my PC since the last update and buying the Reno air Races. The program runs great in safe mode. I have removed all from the community folder and it still has the issue. Microsoft store version Premium

You have a hardware issue.

Check the System log in the event viewer to see if you have a trace for the OS crash. There may be a hint there.
Otherwise, the OS doesn’t even know its going down. In this case, you have to investigate several thing, starting with your PSU capacity.

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Hey John, Ive been racing with you over the past few days in Reno, Your bloody quick!

Hey Doc. I love to race the P51. Have you ever dedicated a key on your keyboard for prop pitch increase? I make the aircraft faster by about 15 mph. Try it you will like it. Play around with it in time trials until you get it just right. I give it about 3 to 4 quick taps and use the Delete key. It has to adjusted every race or time trial as it resets to default.


Thanks for the advice. The game ran well before the update and Reno. I looked at the events but am not PC savy enough to know what to look for. I’m thinking it could be that I use a TV for a monitor and it may be messing with my Gforce 2070 Super graphics but not sure. I’m going to get a new monitor for starters as I need one anyway.

If you are fine in MSFS safe mode, I would suspect a software problem.
Therefore I would do the following:
Remove not only the community folder, but also.the content.xml file. Delete the rolling cache and remove all purchased marketplace items with the in-game content manager.
Turn all assistance settings like POIs etc. to True to Life and disable all aircraft failure/damages.
Then test again in normal mode if the CTDs are cured.

I hadn’t! I was curious how you left me in the dust seemingly. ill play around with that a few times and see if it works, thanks for the tip. hope to race soon !