Anyone have solution to the above? I’m trying to help someone who has ongoing problem since getting new PC, basically installed MSFS on new system and everything works fine apart from as soon you you press General Option from menu gets CTD, thing that have been tried:
-uninstalled MSFS and reinstall to separate SSD ( msfs app and packages)
-latest drivers for RTX3080
-no addons or anything in community folder
-disabled firewall
-on windows 10 made sure US(English) language pack is installed
Like I said you can load the game fly it etc, go in to any option apart from General Option, if anyone have a solution or maybe idea how to solve this please let me know.
not sure how this is relevant as this was fresh install on new PC, and I posted the topic 23 hours ago so no it hasn’t ben fixed, msfs was running fine on old PC, guy went out bought him self new PC installed MSFS and problem appeared.
you find lots of topics if you search with both of the infos from error-log
0xc0000409 ( 409 ) + ucrtbase.dll
The language pack United States you seemingly allready checked. But there are other reasons. I remember invalid drivers and also the anti-virus/firewall solution ( e.g. I remember Bullguard ) …
Think here I found a older summary:
ah… and other ones was the c++ lib , but that was more rare, final was still the EN lang pack
Regards the anti virus it has defender which we did disable also firewall was turned off, language pack was the first thing I asked him to download with region left alone, I will ask him to uninstall the xbox app and reinstall it see if that will have any effect, will take a look at c++ and report back in near future, he can play the game fine and everything apart going in to General Option
I also remember the case where many usb devices are connected… there was somewhat special with the case “enter general options”. But usually it was the lang pack and here the correct one is needed “US” ( there are other english ones! ) and restart.
Possible issue with sound-driver he can easy check with stop windows audio service and start the game ( yep, no sound for the test )… but not sure whether this is the reason here.
Only left Keyboard and mouse for testing before, I sort of run out of suggestion what I would call normal trouble shooting, even checked bios settings and disable XMP but will check the audio driver, as for the language pack yeah is the correct on English( United States) and region set to Australia same as the previous PC, when you search for this problem that what gets everyone going most of time but not in this case, Windows install is pretty much vanilla nothing extra installed, I will get him to update all drivers from and see.