CTD with Fenix, FBW

Hi there!
I have a problem with my sim. If I try to load the fenix or the fbw a32nx the grame crashes to desktop when the loading bar is at around 90%. Once I actually managed to get in the aircraft, but then I wanted to change some controls settings. As I pressed escape to get back into the plane the sim crashed. Im also not getting any crash report or something. If I try to load a plane that is less performance heavy like the JF Piper for example, theres no problem. In the MSFS Packages folder some new folders appear anytime after the crash, they are named like a add on that I installed, for example gsx world jetways. In these folders there are some dll, lib, obj, cache files and a folder called work. In this folder, there sometimes is a text document explaining what was loaded or a config file. Sometimes its completely empty. I already did a new clean install of msfs, I reinstalled the fenix several times, updated to the newest nvidia driver and reverted back to version 531.29. Nothing worked. When I use a empty community folder everything works fine, but if I install the fenix alone it doesnt work as well.
My pc specs are as follows:
RTX 4090
Ryzen 9 7950X3D
It worked without any problems some days ago.
I would be very thankful for your help!

I changed my virtual memory two days ago, for another game to work. Is it possible, that this was caused by that?