I want to report many CTD on xbox and this, since the last update. Tired, I pay this game is so that it works. Asobo has an interest in making corrections otherwise it will heat up !!!
do you use quickstart, if so dont.
stop quick resume
log out
restart console
check internet connection
No though I use the sleep mode
Any DLC? There is a list that is currently bugged which causes CTDs
Just two airports with addon and liveries for A320 by third party , i’m not sure this problem due at this DLC. I think it is the last update that is responsible.
for me it’s definitely the airports. I uninstalled all of them and since then no more ctd. I just installed the eddh by justsim to test it. a ctd followed on the jetway. so uninstalled again. and everything is fine again.
We need more votes here! I have ctd’s all the time on xbox
i have not had a single one sofar, i dont use addon scenery.
Interesting. Yes that’s why you probably haven’t ctd’s at all. The more installed scenery/Addons you have it becomes more and more instable. Especialy after new updates from Asobo.
Tried to fly today on xbox series x before i even got of the ground 8 CTD This sim is unplayable on xbox they need to concentrate on the fixes before another world update . Seriously thinking about erasing everything and i have spent a lot of hard earned money on this . Really------ Off
Can you direct me to this list? Thanks.
I can’t find the solution to write a message so I click on the arrow below your message.
I have exactly the same problem as you.
Addons tiers Bordeaux (lfbd) lyon (lfll) with the cessna 182 or tbm 930 or hondajet back to the reception.
Addon tiers toulouse (lfbo) with the same zing it works impeccable.
I consider third-party addons with a fairly high level of detail to be problematic.
My equipment: xbox x mouse controller, tv lg latest generation, box sfr, fiber in the copper street from the street to the house.
Je ne trouve pas la solution pour écrire un message alors je clique sur la flèche en dessous de votre message.
J’ai exactement le même problème que vous.
Addons tiers Bordeaux (lfbd) lyon (lfll) avec le cessna 182 ou tbm 930 ou hondajet retour à l’accueil.
Addon tiers toulouse (lfbo) avec les mêmes zing ça marche impeccable.
Je considère que les addons tiers au niveau de détail assez élevé posent problème.
Mon équipement : xbox x souris manette , tv lg dernière génération, box sfr , fibre dans la rue cuivre de la rue à la maison.
CTD from trying the Career Rotorcraft training sessions - I have unlocked the ability to go either to CPL or Rotor Certification and as I have never tried a helicopter when attempting to load into the first training session for Rotorcraft the sim became unresponsive when powering up the helicopter to view the EPM, when I attempted to restart the training session I was CTD back to the Xbox main page having to load back into MSFS 2024 again. I do play on the Xbox Series X