CTDs every session, faulting file FlightSimulator.exe, exception code 0xc0000005 since SU4 and still has not been fixed

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Always same error code and always intermittent and not related to flying in a specific location

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

Not sure what else to say other than I’m more than tired of this. Starting a flight, I never know how far I’ll get before I end up on my desktop with no error codes no nothing. I hear how the sound goes silent for a split second 2 or 3 times and then…boom…back to the desktop. Always the same error code in the Application log in Windows Event Viewer over and over again. Always caused by flightsimulator.exe and always Exception code 0xc0000005. Fault offset if of relevance also seems to be the same…0x0000000001543e15.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Hard to grab any pictures or video when you’re thrown back to the desktop within a split second…

If on PC, Fault Bucket ID - Instructions here - Please type in just the Fault Bucket ID # rather than a screenshot for privacy reasons:

1410997449907262409, type 5

Please pretty please Asobo, get your error handling in place now already. It’s been more than 2 years since release and lots of people myself included are still struggling with the issue having random CTDs. Which sadly makes enjoying this title impossible.

I noticed someone suggesting this is not a problem with MSFS but rather with your PC. After having read some article online suggesting you can get this error message also when not using MSFS. Of course this is not an error message exclusive for MSFS. That however doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with people’s PCs having this issue when running MSFS!

In my case and I’m sure this is the case for most of us having this issue, my PC is working perfectly fine in every regard including other demanding game titles. It’s super well looked after where I’m very careful what I install, I constantly keep it up to date in every sense and in overall mint condition. So…in this case…this indeed is a MSFS issue more than anything else.

What we need is some proper error handling in MSFS to catch these errors and provide the user with at least a hint what is triggering the error. Looking through the endless number of threads on this topic both in here and elsewhere and how some have managed to find a solution, this clearly indicates how many different reasons there can be for this issue. Where all of them will have the same effect on MSFS…crashing it and throwing the user back to the Windows desktop.

The solutions some have found are very different from one user to the next. Someone fixed the issue by lowering the glass cockpit refresh rate from high to medium in MSFS. Where someone else fixed it by setting the Windows swap file to a fixed size. Where next one fixed it by removing AI aircraft or replaced his USB hub…the list is endless. Personally, I’ve tried every one of these to no avail. With the exception of a clean install of my PC. That however is something which won’t happen. To fix a single application prone to crash when every other title is running perfectly. Again, the problem isn’t with my or anyone else’s system, the problem is how MSFS seems over-sensitive for all these different “culprits”. In combination with what seems to be non-existent error handling.

So Asobo, if you can’t figure out what makes MSFS having the tendency to crash like this for all these various reasons, at least include some debugging mode those of us having this issue can enable or whatever. Where each one of us will at least have a chance to know what is the culprit for our particular system. Giving us a chance to once again enjoy your otherwise so amazing title!

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