CTDs in latest update, not there in Beta

I intensively participated in the beta programme of SU10, raising bugs and testing new features. One thing that I do noticed is that I have never experienced CTDs during the Beta. Now that SU10 is out there PLENTY of them, on any stage of the flight.

I dont know if is related but getting as well lost connection warnings. It seems like a different build to the one that I tested.

Any other pilots experiencing this?


Have not got a single one yet for me. Have you checked to see if any add ons are causing the CTD? It is possible that something could have broke from the beta stage which seemed fine to you to the final release version where they could have perhaps tweaked some code but caused something to misbehave from it.

Same for me. Very frequently the lost connection message and also lots of CTDā€™s which were non consistent during the beta period. Iā€™m on Xbox and using stock airports etc.

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There are quite a few topics on this issue. If you have any 3rd party addons move them out of community folder and try again. If it still persists, reboot your modem router and machine.

If your using DX12 go back to DX11 that seems to have fixed it for some people.

The offline message has just started appearing for people today, so the message your seeing could be related to that.

I donā€™t understand why I suddenly have more CTD in the menu after the official SU10 update on the Xbox SX. What is going so extremely wrong in the background?

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I flew yesterday several times and only CTD on my way out of exiting the game. This morning it took 5 ctdā€™s before I could even start flying, and even then my FPSā€™s were so low that I quit the game before I got 1/8th the way to destination (a 32 min flight) so what 4 minā€™s?

Something is going on behind the scenes that you or I have no control over. Nothing you can really do but reboot modem / router / xbox sometimes it helps ā€¦ sometimes not !

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Yes CTD on taxiing to stand at LGKO
Really frustrating as it doesnā€™t log the flight which was 2 hours plus :triumph:
This was in the experimental FBW A320nx , vnav was good but quite a bit of stuttering at 150 LOD
Oh well Iā€™ll go back to the PMDG 737, fps seems smoother for some strange reason
Maybe it was because I was in the experimental version or it could have been the Kos payware airport that i havenā€™t flown into in SU10 only previously SU9 , who knows

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I was same no issues in beta only had CTDs since installing latest game ready driver, not had any more since rolling back to studio driver.

Games gone completely down the toilet today though and wouldnā€™t load at all just in middle of the painful re install :yawning_face::yawning_face::yawning_face:

I canā€™t complete a flight without getting a CTD when taxxing to the gate. Itā€™s very, very frustrating and disappointing because like itā€™s said, those issues never occurred during AL of my beta testing. Very disappointing.


Everytime i start cold and dark i get a CTD on xbox series x regardless if its a 3rd party aircraft or not. I only managed to complete a 2 hour flight from EGPF to LEPA with the Asobo 787 by starting directly on the runway.

I had the odd random CTD in the SU10 beta but i could at least start at the gate. Something has definitely gone wrong in the latest update. Whats the point of running a beta only to change and break the sim when the official update lands.

I absolutely love the sim but by god is my patience wearing thin. I havent had a decent experience on the xbox since SU8 and now with WASM looking likely to be pushed to SU12 im starting to lose confidence. Iā€™m starting to doubt that we will ever reach a point on xbox where we will have a stable sim


Maybe we should nominate them for the coveted ā€˜Worst game of the Yearā€™ award this year.


I too have noticed a lot of stuttering using the FBW A320 the past few days. The PMDG B737-700 is much smoother. However the 737 gives me CTDā€™s. The A320 does not. Did you mean the KBOS airport? I have that one too and will try flying into it today.

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Yes I have to confirm the crashes back to desktop are out of control.

I never had any crashes hungs stucks or bluescreens with the Flight Sim 2020 in all these yearsā€¦ but since the newest update the sim crashes back to desktop at least five times every single day.

Sometimes a strange window pops up, two times and it said something like: ā€œā€¦problems with my GPU running outā€¦ā€ or something like that (the two times that message appeared I clicked it away too fast to read the message). But most of the time the sim just goes back to desktop without any warning or message.

In 90% of all times it happens when I end the flight and go back to the main menu, and it happens when I use the quickslider to change the time (for example to check night lighting textures).

After crashing to desktop Steam says ā€œprogram is still runningā€ and it cannot relaunch Flight Sim 20 nor can it stop it, I must fully close Steam forcing it to end all running Steam programs and restart Steam before I can launch Flight Sim 2020 again.

Yes there are some CTD problems now since the newest update, 2-5 times every day now. Before that update the sim literally never crashed.

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No itā€™s Kos airport in Greece LGKO by gaya simulations bought on the marketplace
Tbh I donā€™t think itā€™s the airport , rather itā€™s the experimental A320 which is causing lots of stutters which included my departure airport
It suffers lower FPS than the pmdg737 for me
I hardly have CTD on the 737
Maybe it doesnā€™t like the experimental on my system anymore as I hardly fly it now anyway
Might go back to developer or stable build or just fly the PMDG 737 for the time being

Wow you also? I just posted about this. Im on PC and getting the exact same issue. Menu CTD after changing something. Whats gone wrong now?! Hope they fix this quickly.

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And again, CTD on arrival. Stock A320, stock Tampa Airport. Itā€™s ridiculous.

You really need to be reading and recording exactly what these messages say if you want any idea what is going wrong, rather than just dismissing them.

YES! I rarely had CTDā€™s before SU10. Iā€™d estimate 70% of the time I start the sim now it crashes. Sometimes hangs at the ā€œsyncing dataā€ screen. Sometimes when it switches from the world map to the departure airport. Sometimes choosing live weather. Sometimes mid flight for no apparent reason. (Sub- hour long flights.)

Win10, 7700k, 3080ti, 64gb ram

I also have CTD with latest update after closing the beta preview.
And, I also have menu CTD, so I reverted to Nvidia driver 496.49 from 517.48.
In 496.49 I solved menu CTD, but I could not solve the CTD during the flight on Manhattan which was not there in Beta.
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