Curious little RNAV quirk: LEBL

I decided to do a coastwise night flight from the Riviera Airport at Albenga, Italy (LIMG) to El Prat (LEBL) in Barcelona, Spain in the “G36 Improvement mod” Bonanza G36. As a former Beech Debonair owner and pilot, I really enjoy this aircraft. I like the way it flies and everything generally just works very well.

I did an IFR plan terminating in the RNAV-Y BL6EN (R24RY) approach using the CLE transition. Little NavMap showed a strange non-procedure turn between BL426 and TEBLA “Course fix” waypoint:

The MSFS World Map and subsequent flight plan had a slightly different take on what this leg is supposed to look like:

Because of this differcence I was curious to see what the actual flight path would look like. One would have hoped and thought that the aircraft should pretty much fly the track as was indicated in the GPS. And that is pretty much what happened. In LNM:

In the G1000:

Otherwise totally uneventful flight, other than some quite stiff real world winds. These were either cross track or head winds most of the time, with quite a crosswind on finals and landing. The aircraft and AP worked boringly well, and in my flying career, I always considered boring to be good! :laughing:

With a night flight there really isn’t that much to see but a few random screenshots:

Very pleasant flight, quirks and all!

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