Current status of the PS5 controller on PC? (SU8)

Hi all,

I am considering replacing my old PS1 DualShock controller with a PS5 DualSense controller, for a few reasons:

  1. I don’t like using a Xbox controller because of the annoying white dot issue.
  2. My PS1 controller doesn’t have variable LT/RT triggers (for rudder).
  3. My PS1 controller vibration/rumble doesn’t work with the adapter I am using.

For anyone with the PS5 controller, does it work properly with the sim in Dinput mode? Or would I be forced to use it in Xinput mode? (I have the Steam version of the game)

Does the PS5 controller vibration/rumble work properly in the sim? If so what events in the sim actually cause the controller to rumble?

Thanks in advance for any input or advice about my concerns.

I recently bought a PS5 DualSense Wireless Controller and you need DS4Windows for it to work. When I tried to install DS4, it stated it needed some other program and gave a link to it. I installed that program and tried again to install DS4, it again complained that it needed that other program, I think it was .net, but it was installed.

I rebooted to see if it needed that to fully install and it still couldn’t install DS4Windows. I gave up and returned the PS5 controllers.

I’m in Win 10 and I know others have said that they use a PS5 controller with windows, but I don’t know why it wouldn’t work for me. Maybe DS4 only supports some of the PS5 controllers and not the one I got.

I bought the xBox controller and that works fine.

I will only use it to control the showcase camera. I do all flying with a HOTAS and Pedals.

Update: I did some more searching on the web and it seams that you need Steam, which you say you have, so it will probably work for you. I have the Marketplace version of FS and do not have steam, or want to install, or any steam games.

Not really sure why, but I just don’t like steam and don’t want it. I was going to get the truck simulator and when I saw that I needed Steam, I changed my mind. But I’m sure Steam is okay, millions of people use it.

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Thanks for posting your experience.

My PS1 controller works in Dinput mode, plug and play, with no extra software or drivers required. MSFS supports it fairly well (although I had to bind all of the buttons manually).

Many modern PC games don’t support Dinput controllers anymore, although MSFS clearly does. I have read some comments where Windows 10 will detect the PS5 controller as a wireless controller after being paired via bluetooth, but I am unclear on whether or not it will work with any Dinput games. (The Xbox controller is Xinput, which is one reason why DS4 would be required for modern games that only support Xbox/Xinput controllers).

This is what I mean:

although the DualSense can interface with Windows’ DirectInput driver, a lot of modern games don’t recognise this. They may instead use the newer XInput driver, which was created by Microsoft with Xbox controllers in mind. Unless a game recognises both driver types, your PS5 controller won’t work – unless, that is, Steam steps in to bridge the gap.

I believe you are right, however if Steam forces the PS5 controller into Xinput mode, I am guessing I might get stuck with the same annoying white dot in the middle of my screen (if the game detects the PS5 controller as a Xbox controller for example).

I’ve been using a PS5 controller on my PC since the day they were available. Install the app on the site listed below. Configure your controller and you’re done forever. Just open it and minimize to the taskbar when you want to use a pad. I use it on everything from COD, to FIFA, to RPGs. Zero issues since I got it. Occasionally I use it in the sim to control the camera.

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Thanks. I’ve been using x360ce for years. But the same issue with Xinput mode applies.

My questions are regarding Dinput mode and vibration/rumble. I would appreciate it if you could speak to those.

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From what I’ve noticed, it depends on the game/app that it’s connected to. On COD and F1202X, you get everything from vibration to the force feedback(or whatever Sony is calling them) triggers. The games that it’s worked for me on had a setting in their menus that enabled it.

One caveat as it pertains to the sim, however. I don’t use Steam for the sim so I don’t get any conflicts between my controller settings there and on the 360 app. I could see that being a problem.

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That’s nice that you have the haptic feedback and triggers working in those games. Are you using Steam with those games?

With the Xbox controller, I only seem to have vibration during take off and landing. I read something about aircraft stress perhaps contributing to vibration as well, but I haven’t noticed or tested that. I should try that today, along with high winds/turbulence.

I think I will be able to disable/bypass the controller in Steam with MSFS no problem. There’s an option to disable Steam controller support on a per-application basis.

I just verified that the Xbox controller vibrates when the aircraft is stressed due to overspeed. So far I have only felt vibrations during takeoff, landing, and overspeed. That’s not much.

The majority of my games are on Steam. F12020 and 21 both have that functionality there. The game has a setting for it though. COD does as well, but I have that on I fly with a HOTAS on the sim, so I can’t say if I can get the same out of it as I do those other games…yet.

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I really had never noticed the white dot since I only use it for the showcase camera.

The white dot only shows in the cockpit after you move I guess so you know where the cursor is and then disappears.

On my system, I only see it on the cockpit view, it doesn’t show up on external or showcase views.

I didn’t know about the other program @BlackSanta512 mentions. I wish I had known about it. A person that I spoke to only mentioned DS4.

Maybe I should give it a second try. I do prefer the feel of the PS5 DualSense better. I do prefer having the two thumb controllers at the same level.

The program I tried and it then was asking for another program which it didn’t recognize is:

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Yeah, I am mostly in cockpit view. I use the mouse to operate many cockpit controls and the white dot returns in the center of my screen every time I return to Xbox controller inputs. It’s very annoying, and it doesn’t happen if I use a Dinput controller. To make matters worse, my new gaming mouse is so sensitive when I’m laying on the couch/bed that it causes the white dot to come back even more frequently now.

I don’t use in the cockpit, so it’s not an issue for me. But I’ll see if there is anyway to disable that. Maybe something is Assistance Options. Or maybe someone that uses it in cockpit may know a way to rurn it off, that is if it’s possible.

Brining up my sim now to see if I can find a way to disable the white dot.

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I couldn’t find any way to permanently disable the interaction dot, short of using a different controller. There are only workarounds. For example if I press any of the d-pad buttons, the white dot goes away until the next time I move the mouse and then return to controller inputs.

I know a guy that I fly with on group flights and I think he uses an xBox controller to fly and he streams the groups flights and I don’t recall ever seeing that white dot. And in the stream he flies about half of it in the cockpit and half outside showing the views and all the other people flying.

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Enabling home cockpit mode might disable the interaction dot, but it doesn’t fit my play style. It prevents me from moving the camera around the cockpit or cabin.

Give a shot. I think you’ll like it. I’m about to get some time in on COD with it running.

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It doesn’t. Microsobo has prevented the simulator from detecting the PS5 controller in native Dinput mode. Totally lame. What’s next Microsobo? Are you going to disable my PS1 controller too?

Is there any way to make a DS5 controller work with MSFS yet?
It is ridiculous that Win 11 recognizes a PS5 controller and I can see all the buttons working in the Wireless Controller Properties, but you can’t use it in MSFS.

Not by default or by launching the MS store MSFS app through Steam (disappointingly, because I would have liked to have used Steam to manage my controller configs), but I was able to get my PS5 controller working in MSFS using DS4Windows. I followed the installation and setup section on this page, and after a restart it seems to be working fine in-game.

I may have to look into setting up HidHide to make sure I’m not experiencing double-input issues, but since my DS5 wasn’t recognized by MSFS at all before, it’s probably fine as-is.

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My PS5 controller was working fine until SU14 December 2023. Now it is not detected. Worked fine before and works great with other games.

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