Curved G1000 flight path?

Been meaning to ask about this - the flight path(s) on the G1000 display are curved… I believe they should be straight lines… ?


That’s because you have procedures loaded, I would say. You have directs after though, although they aren’t curved…hmm.

I’ve been doing some long routes over the last week, and regularly saw curved lines for my flight plan, every time I reached the next airport.

I’ve only used a 530/430 IRL, but there are no curved paths, even with procedures.

There are curved transitions from one leg to the next, though they’re dashed lines.

Yes, that’s what I have been seeing, between airports, not NAV aids.

You should see curves where you change airways or VOR radials, too, I think.

The G1000 does provide curved lines in instances where the initial waypoint prior to your IAF procedure is within (I believe) a 30 degree arc. There are additional situations where it will display an arc path rather than a straight line. It’s not totally accurate on the current G1000 and G3000 as well as the A320 FMS using approach procedures.

So the actual G1000 has the pilot fly long, sweeping, 6-mile arcs between waypoints?

IDK about your extra adjectives, but of course it flies a curve for direction changes.

I could be wrong, but it seems unlikely that the G1000 would ask that a pilot flies a long, constantly turning flightpath like this. Pilots don’t fly like that…

I’ll look it up; in the meantime, here’s what the XP G1000 does.

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This is why I mentioned it’s not correctly fully modeled as of yet. Most of the arcs are precalculated to be made with a 30 degree bank within 30 seconds to correctly align with your IAF or other set approach fix (30-30 procedure rule within GNS programming).

This isn’t always the case, and arcs aren’t entirely common - the system makes its own little waypoints to safely and timely make a turn to a way point where possible, using airways or other navigational devices. This is because you will rarely fly your entire navigation route fix to fix, Sid to star - you’ll receive vectors and altitude changes by ATC as required.

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Thanks -Understood, but I think they should have foregone the precalculations and stuck with straight paths until they figured it out…

FWIW turns between legs, as far as I know, are typically shown like this:


Additionally, the G1000 will try to arc your paths when there’s a disconnect in the routing as well, as far as I’m aware there’s no current route-checking like you’d see in an Airliner that will depict a route disconnect enroute. Ideally the AP will try to smoothly adapt the aircraft onto the flight plan route turn by turn (and not specifically lock to “FLY OVER” waypoints like it does now, as opposed to “FLY BY” waypoints and end up doing a sharp knife edge turn to try and get itself back on track, then wobble back and forth until its stable on track).

Just look at these approaches. There is something completely wrong.

And what the hell are USR / USER waypoints which are created automatically? I never saw anything like this in X-plane.
I was using GTN 750 in B350… that was perfect navigation. I really miss it.


lol… sorry, that’s just funny.

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bro the “?” got me :smile:


Its the automatic addition of the USER/USR waypoints that makes IFR flying pretty much useless. You can’t delete them, you can’t activate a leg beyond them.

Well, you can delete the USER waypoint, but it will delete the entire flight plan. And after that, a sim crash to desktop is very likely.

Whoever they had model IFR in this sim had no clue what they are doing. And because of this, I call this Microsoft VFR Flight Simulator 2020.

Because if you fly VFR there are very few problems.


Exactly. There is nothing else to say. But I really hope these stupid waypoints, approaches and flight planning will be fixed ASAP.

I like creating/editing flight plans manually and properly right in the cockpit.

hmmmm I’m not surprised with that first picture curve, if there is waypoint WODKA :slight_smile:


Well Yes :smiley: That´s WODKA waypoint… but that doesn´t mean the approach must be curved / drunk :roll_eyes: :smiley:

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I just don´t get it… what´s wrong with approaches? :smiley:


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