Hello there, I am the owner of SimSoft. We mainly make sceneries for MSFS, but recently we started offering custom livery making.
We will make a custom livery for you. You have a choice of a custom livery (£11.99), where we will make your livery depending on your prefrences, or from a template (£5.99), where you will chose certain variables to go on an already existing template.
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Nice idea!! Any limitations on using famous brand names / logos?
Hello, what do you mean by limitations?
I mean are you able (allowed) to make something with a trademarked logo?
Good question. Actually, I’m not sure. I think it should be fine, but it depends on the license terms of the trademark logo.
Ferrari? I’d have quite a few for you to make if allowed to “sell” that. Maybe I can add the logo myself “for personal use” in Photoshop and send the file back to you however you need it to implement properly though?!
I think it should be fine to use the Ferrari logo. This is because its not a “product”. It is a service, which is the livery making, regardless of the content. So the logo is for your “personal use”, but I do not fall into any category because I am simply fulfilling your request. So technically the logo isn’t being used for commercial purposes, neither am I using it to brand my own product. So, I believe it is fine.
It would be complicated to do it another way, because the textures aren’t always on the same file. For example, the texture for the tail and the rudder are on different files. Therefore, if the logo goes over both, it would be split over those two files. This makes photoshop editing difficult.
Personally, I use 3D texturing.
Hi, I use a Steam version of MSFS. I want my logo (the one you see here) in the tail, the name LULADRÃO in the body, and LL-171 on top of wings. This is for a Cessna 172 Skyhawk. Please let me know.
On a related topic, since some of the characters of Transformers (a Hasbro and TakaraTomy toyline and media franchise) have alternate modes that are available for this game, notably the Decepticon Seekers and their perennial backstabber of a leader, Starscream, with their F15 Eagle alt-modes, would it be alright to make liveries based on these characters?
Just for future reference, since I know there will probably be more than a few Transformers fans whose favorite character is either Starscream or one of his Seekers.