I am adding custom waypoints in my flight at the world map, but when i start at the airport they are not loaded at the flight plan.I just click to a point on the map , choose add ,and it seems to work.
Am I doing something wrong?
Just because the old World map, seems to allow you to enter and show User Waypoints on the world map, does not mean that whatever plane you are flying, has a GPS/FMC system that can read that Wold map user waypoint information, or interpret them correctly.
ie You are certainly not alone – I have been hang issues with World map, Garmin GPS systems and Navigraph wrt User Waypoints for most of 2023.
Good, but Sad to see other starting to notice these issues.
FWIW, I fly the Diamond DA62X mod, and user waypoints in the world map that I add are always in the Garmin 1000NXI flight plan. I wonder if it is aircraft-dependent or works with any aircraft using the NXI.
When you plan a flightplan with custom waypoints via the Navigraph chart app, there are no issues when you load it in the worldmap any longer.
When yes, please report it via our forum.
Thank you
Can you supply a sample Plan, that has user waypoints, and loads correctly into the world map.
For sure, here a confirmed user test flightplan with a lot of custom way points in the London (UK) area.
Navigraph_Test_Flightplan.PLN (4.2 KB)
Latest MSFS sim version, Navigraph AIRAC 2311 installed:
I invite everyone to load this flightplan in the MSFS WorldMap to see that Custom Waypoints are working. Feedback welcome …
Thank you –
<ATCWaypoint id="York Minster">
<WorldPosition>N53° 57' 44.24",W1° 4' 55.71",+001000.00</WorldPosition>
YES !! adding the
is what was needed to stop the NORTH Pole event.
Nothing to do with having to have all WUs installed and up to date
The Asobo issue still exist, while you can load this into the World map, and it works, if you were to save it from the World Map, the ICAO tags gets lots, so when you load that saved FP back into the World Map, it does the North Pole thing.
100% a Asobo World map issue
<ATCWaypoint id="York Minster">
<WorldPosition>N53° 57' 44.24",W1° 4' 55.71",+001000.00</WorldPosition>
<ATCWaypoint id="York Minster">
<WorldPosition>N53° 57' 44.24",W1° 4' 55.71",+001000.00</WorldPosition>
Note: World MAP Export is missing
That causes the re-imported FP to have the North Pole Issue, BUT ONLY when MSFS is using the Navigraph Nav Database.
Yes, your flight plan loads and works fine in the World Map. However, I’m not sure how you created it. Navigraph exported flight plans always have “…created by Navigraph” in the flight plan DESCR field. Where did the ICAO UNKN come from? Hand edit?
I tried importing this plan into Navigraph without success. Apparently Navigraph doesn’t like the UK11 airport. I tried searching for it in Navigraph but searching didn’t find it either.
This appears to be the .pln file I created for last week’s Community Fly-In Friday event. I made it using only the MSFS World Map by clicking on airports, POIs, and custom waypoints.
Thank you for the details that help me understand.