DA40NG no Nosewheel Steering?

Cant steer that Bird on the Ground. Rudder Axis just works when it just begins to roll…

In the Picture i give full Rudder, nothing…

All other planes work fine. Just the DA40 not… I dont have any addons for it.

Maybe the Plane is special?

I believe that plane has a catering nose wheel without direct steering capability and requires differential braking for ground steering.


I think the nose wheel steering for this aircraft is different than from the other ones. If a pilot IRL that knows it could confirm it would be great.
Here are some explanations since it has already been reported:

I found this review of an actual aircraft. Their comments on steering are a ways down the article. Don’t know if it was ever changed in later models.

I use the MrTommyMxr mod for the DA-40NG, absolutely do not fly without it. I don’t know if he addresses steering with it, but I just flew it after a long absence yesterday and the ground steering worked fine with a rudder axis input, brakes set to my trigger control and some judicious burping of the TD engine.

Yep, nose wheel steering added (optional) using that mod:
Captura de pantalla 2024-04-07 180128

In the article provided by @Habu2u2 , they confirmed that aircraft does not have any direct nose steering through the foot pedals. Interesting, you must use brakes differential to turn on ground.

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That makes sense,

Thanks you all. I try the mod, cause I don’t have any toebrakes and with keys it’s pretty hard (used that for the last times)

I’ve flown also planes without nws and just a casting nosewheel (Tecnam P2010) and it’s a hand(foor)full to taxi indeed.