DA62 ILS approach messed up

Last night I made two ILS approaches with DA62, in both attempts I failed. AsI fly past the transition point all the intercepting waypoints disappear and the route is redirected straight to the airport coordinates. So I have to manually fly to intercept the localizer, but the system does not recognize the frequency… I’m sure the course and the frequency were right… what happened? I haven’t had time to try other aircraft yet

Does it do the same thing at other airports? I have seen a few airports with incorrect LOC frequencies. What airport are you doing the approaches at?

Sydney YSSY, maybe that’s it, I’ll try some other airports tomorrow

Which runway were you doing the ILS approach to? I have Navigraph. I was going to see if you have the same frequency it shows.

There are some websites with airport information, such as ils frequencies, tower and some others. See if that match with the simulator, could be a sim issue or a bad frequency on the airplane. I have mistaken a few times with ils frequencies, a small plus one number on freq tab and ils isn’t recognized. I will try to see if the Sim info matches the real radio ftequency

I have checked with A320 fbw and one website, the frequencies are all good.
I will let my notes here and you can check.
Yssy ils
Rw 7- crs 074-ils 109.90 ok
Rw 16L- crs 168 (1 degree error more than website)-ils 110.90
RW 16R- crs same as RW 16L- ils 109.50
RW 25- CRS 254-ILS 109.70
RW 34L-CRS 347 (one more degree than website information)-ILS 110.10
RW 34L-CRS SAME AS 34L- ILS 109.30.
For gs/ils the frequencies are the same as above, for DME/ILS only rws 07,16L, 25 and 34R. So far doesn’t look like we have any big issue here. I haven’t do a flight, so try to see if these freq are like those you have. I think that is a bad radio config or a bug from Simulator.
Hope this help you

Many thanks for the help, I’m away from home right now, will try tomorrow. But the thing that puzzles me is why as soon as I fly past the transition all the rest of the waypoints disappear and the gps line changes straight to the middle of the airport . Never had this problem before

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I tried the ILS 34R and 34L. When I did ILS 34L I was in GPS mode on the CDI. The CDI mode switched from GPS to LOC1 when I was about 1 mile from SOSIJ while still in NAV mode. I did it twice to make sure I didn’t push anything by accident and it did it both times. I don’t know about the G1000 but in real life the Collins ProLine avionics we have in our airplanes the mode doesn’t switch like that unless APPR mode is selected and then it will go from FMS to LOC on the source by itself once the LOC is captured. It could be doing a similar thing in this example. However, I did the ILS to 34R and it did not change the source at ENDEV or BOBIG. Even on 34L the waypoints stayed and they still cycled through as I passed each one.

When the GPS line changes and goes straight to the airport when you hit the transition, does the CRS on the HSI duplicate the final approach course and show any intermediate fixes such as the final approach fix? Can you take some screen shots or record it when it happens? That would help a lot.

Also, you will see some fixes on the approach plate that won’t be in the database for an ILS approach when it is selected because some of the fixes pertain to the LOC only approach and not the ILS. For the ILS you should normally see the IAF, the FAF, and the runway.

I finally did it to 16L ILS… I think the problem is when I flew past BOOGI, the GPS canceled the transition TONUX as well as the approach waypoints. So I thought the system went wrong so I switched to heading to manually intercept the localizer, but for whatever reason it didn’t capture. This time I stayed on the GPS course. even it redirected straight to the airport the aircraft still followed the previously set approach so it went all right. Please see the screenshot…

I have no idea why it did that but thanks so much for spending the time trouble shooting for me…

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