In news and announcements we now have an online services monitoring post for quick reference to see if the are any outages which is undoubtedly a great idea.
I was wondering though if it is going to reflect the fact that there is an ongoing daily outage from 23:00 to 00:12 UTC which has occurred for the past month or so and appears set to continue without explanation or advise? Given that the post must manually be updated by the mods when there’s an outage perhaps there should be a note about this regular occurrence?
The statement “The service will return to normal status after a few minutes” is very misleading. The outage is exactly 72 minutes long, which I consider to be more than a “few minutes”.
Based on its regularity for the past weeks, one can count on downtime during that named timeframe, except of course, when the weather was down for several days.
I don’t know if it would be helpful to state the outage only affects users trying to start the simulation between 2300Z and 0012Z. If the user is in the sim prior to this period, they are not affected during the outage period.
Since days online player nearby disappear when you get closer or the weather pop up to live. So is not really fixed and the monitoring dont show the truth.