Dark square of clouds in night follows under airplane

When flying over the clouds at night, you can see a darker square of clouds that moves with the plane, it looks unreal, I saw that the problem existed before and so far has not been fixed. I don’t know if it’s something for me or for everyone. Please write back if MSFS just has it and if you can report it because it spoils the beauty of night flights.

Spooky! Could it maybe be your shadow?

It can’t be my shadow, it’s a huge square.

I will check it in the settings I know that my clouds and tarrain are set to Ultra.

Maybe it’s how it renders the shadow in night lighting conditions? But I don’t know - couldn’t really tell from the screenshots.

I have exactly the same.

Has anyone reported this as a bug? I also just saw this tonight as I normally don’t fly at night. But it’s pretty noticeable.

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I just noticed it during my flight, since i dont usually do night flights. Same angle, I tried changing time, day time it was completely normal, as it transitioned into darkness the cloud below became darker and more transparent