After transitioning from scramjet back to conventional flight, I keep getting a flameout after 5 or so minutes (below FL400). I still have at least 20% fuel. Tried all combinations of switches (fuel cell, engine/generator). Didn’t have this problem in the Top Gun challenge, only in a flights I “built”.
Sounds familiar. Not sure if it matters whether you fly the darkstar hyper-, super-, or subsonic. I had the the engines flaming out well before the fuel ran out flying hypersonic several times. This occurred even with high fuel values using a high endurance speed, where fuel flows’ get
reduced drastically.
I had the same issue but if you have a peak at the fuel tab at the top (in my case) there was still feul, but only in the scramjet tanks, as soon as I filled up the normal tanks everything went back to normal.
Hope this helps
So how exactly did you re-fill the normal tanks? Is there a switch that transfers fuel from the scramjet tanks to the normal tanks on the cockpit? Or do you just fill them from the fuel&weight menu on top?
In my case both turbojet engines flame out when all tanks (apart from the two central scramjet tanks) empty. Still it reports ~52% fuel left on the lower left side of the screen. But I tried all combinations and never managed to transfer fue from these two central scramjet tanks to any of the other normal tanks.
I am trying to use the darkstar as a regular dupersonic private jet. Found out that its mostly stable at around flight levels between 60-70k feet @ Machs ~3.6 without afterburner. I don’t want to use the scramjets eventhough I know how they work (now after a lot of trial & error attempts…). Thanks.
I just used the menu at the top, I don’t believe there is a way to transfer fuel directly from the cockpit as if you were to in an a320 or something