Darkstar flips over and nose dives

I have flown it a few times, then the other day it just stopped acting like a plane. Now it wont even sit still on the tarmac without flipping over, the whole plane just nose dives and is just overall a mess now.
what do i need to fix it?
I have uninstalled the mavericks package with the plane and reinstalled with no result

Hello there,

Thank you for your post! Your topic has been moved to a subcategory of General Discussion & Community Support and tagged darkstar. The General Discussion category is meant for discussions that fall outside of our other sub-categories.

Please check out these other categories for your future posts:

  • Aircraft
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In addition to Hester40MT’s comment, I also edited your title. We want users to be able to search each other’s topics. With a title like “Dark star is broken”, it is difficult for others to know what the topic is about without having to click into it.

this is what the plane is doing. Even the ai can’t fly it

When did this start happening? Within the last week? After AAU 2?
Does this happen with other aircraft, or only the Darkstar?
What happens if you remove everything out of your Community folder? Does it still happen?

It started happening yesterday after i quit a flight in the dark star. flew the Pelican for a bit, super fun. Then i went back to the dark star and its like its physics is messed up or is in a crazy high wind.
I have tried a few other planes and they all seem fine to me.

Which Community folder? this one C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator\Packages\fs-base-ui\html_ui\icons

If you type this into your Windows Explorer, do you have a folder there?

%APPDATA%\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community

That would be your Community folder if you chose not to change the location of it when you installed the sim.

Ok i see it, but its empty

Okay, thanks for checking. May have to wait until another Darkstar pilot comes around and sees if they have the same issue.

Im going to try deleting all the other installed addons from the market place, see what happens

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well that was odd, i reset all the settings. Now it flys.

Oh wow! That’s strange. I’m glad you got it fixed, though! I just marked your post as the solution.