Dassault jets for MSFS2020

Hello, do you think it’ll be possible to create one of the Dassault jets for MSFS2020? I heard that they are very touchy about recreating their aircraft in the sims

A developer would have to either make it and call it something else or purchase what I’m told is a very expensive license and work with Dassault to ensure that the development is up to their expectations. Those are the two options. See also: Gulfstream.

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Yes, Dassault are notoriously protective of their trademarks - notice how Miltech carefully doesn’t even mention Dassault in this announcement just made.

Still, I’m sure a Mirage 2000 by any other name will fly just as sweet.

Presumably anyone making one of Dassault’s bizjets would have to be equally careful.


Tha challenge is that you could be very far down the road of development, having spent time, money and other resources, and you could receive a Cease-and-Desist letter from their Legal Department.

Realistically, will any given large OEM even think that it’s worth the billable time of their Legal Department to do so? That’s the dice roll. Are you small enough potatoes that they won’t bother?

Far East Ideogram of Chaos = Danger Mixed with Opportunity.


Way back in the day i was a beta tester for wilco pub. on their dassault falcon 7x for fsx.

It was a terrible FPS hungry thing but none the less it was licensed by dassault. It is possible, but probably not easy to get approval.

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A 6X was on the Wishlist in June last year but dropped off since then.

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The upcoming Jaguar made by Azurpoly will be officially licensed by Dassault. Maybe they only allow old Jets to be officially licensed.

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