Data developers add osm based animals, cattle, horses etc

hi, could someone develop osm baseb animals on the fields etc. Tag: animals in osm. It could be possible to add animals to the correct locations. I dont have the skills, so i am asking mamudesing, taburet etc. to add animal to the world. It could be fun spotting animals while flying VFR.



Something like this.

But i like to create these animals altough im not a develloper, but i havent touched blender for a while now, i will in the near future start again i hope but i have to relearn blender and try magage riging to make them move but maybe they will remain static and if it works i will for sure get them out for the fun of it

I’d like to see mice, crickets and ants, to finally breathe some life into those sleepy rural airstrips!

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Wouldn’t be bad to just have some cows on farmland sprinkled around, they could be static day and night for all I care.

Here is one

all i got was an animal invasion on innsbruck airport. Add the animals to the correct spot. Didnt see aalmost any aniumals in the fields. Thanks for trying , but there is room for improvement.

I will check insbruck
No pastures are not ‘fields’ you will not see animals on every field as fields are divided in categories
Farmlands are not pasture fields for example and do not show any animals and rightly so
The animals are on the the right place
There is 2 900 000 of them in this package
As in real flight to see animals or people need to fly low and slow
Take your time and fly around

I checked Innsbruck and I can see some animals escapes into the airport perimeter; I will clean this by tomorrow.
I can see quite few areas with animals around Innsbruck; very easy to find them on that area.

It’s absolutely doable, but not as easy as it seems if you want to have correct results.
There are very precise tags for pastures in OSM but are rarely used. You can place animals in every meadow but you will end with cows in the middle of a city or even worse, in an airport area as some are marked as… meadows.
A lot of data analysis, huge data amounts to parse, and lots of manual labor. Had the plan to develop something like this with some other features added, but I guess I’m late to the party.