Daytona Beach (KDAB) Released!

Finally! KDAB Daytona Beach International Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator - Orbx

Being a 1998 Alumni of Embry-Riddle, this is incredible!!! Well done!!

Just installed. Just like their KPHX scenery its a bit heavy on the performance. Lots of stuttering panning the camera.

ERAU '05 here. Been waiting a long time for a dev to make a decent KDAB and release it on XBOX, and I was just about to pull the trigger until I saw the filesize… Yeah at 3 gigs, I’m guessing this one’s a CTD fest.

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I was Chanute and the Barrington!!

Awesome! Ah the nostalgia! Had a bunch of friends who lived at the Barrington. I started at Adams Hall (not sure if the Student Village on Richard Petty was there back in '98) then moved to Misty Springs Apts down the road.

I never know what to make of these BMWorld/Amsim airports - in some images they look great but in others, poor. They always look a bit ‘neat’, if you know what I mean? Not a lot of character and a bit ‘cartoony’, almost.

There are a couple issues I’ve emailed them about and they said they would work on them for an update. The blue taxi edge lighting twinkles and sparkles from a distance really bad in DX12 (not sure under DX11). The Jetblue sign at Gate 6 is no longer there, it’s a Delta gate now. The speedway always being lit up like an event is going on is also highly unrealistic.