DC-6 : Best VOR and GPS/NAV Tutorial?

I cannot get the DC-6 to follow any kind of flight plan I input. What is the best step by step tutorial/procedure/video out there that might help? Any assistance is GREATLY appreciated, thanks!

I had the same problem with GPS.

I finally figured out that you have to start with the Gyro Autopilot, and once that’s settled, then switch it to Localizer. If you put it in Localizer from the start, it doesn’t seem to work. This is the GPS procedure. I think it also can’t harm to toggle the GPS buttons a bit. Make sure the flight plan is loaded and the GPS-unit is set to GPS and not VLOC. Then finally it starts following the flight plan.

Tutorial Flight #1 (Portland to Seattle) shows in detail the transition from

no tracking to gyro tracking
gyro tracking to gps tracking
gps tracking to VOR tracking

How to operate the A-12 is explained in detail in the Operations manual on pp.73 to 85


I have had issues with the VLOC not being followed by the gyropilot in the tutorial - I needed to “cycle” from GPS to VLOC twice to get it to “take” despite the VLOC clearly being picked up on the CDI.

See my post here for my fun tutorial 1 experience!


I also had this problem once when flying with the GNS430 and transitioning from GPS tracking to VOR following. Since I fly with radios only that never occurred again.


Yes, as you can see from my post - still learning this beast, so taking as much help as I can get for now at least :grin:

TheFlyingFabio on twitch/yt

I adore this plane… Still a few bugs though!!!

Use the Tablet and switch between Asobo and PMDG AP and it seems to wake up the Auto/Gyro pilot. Has been documented somewhere I believe.
