Hey folks,
As i have just bought the DC Design Concorde, I am facing a few bugs, making it hard to stably fly the Aircraft. Speed und altitude indication is not working at all, as well as the RMI (remote reading compass system) - just stuck. Also the autopilot panels are just filled in with 000 and are unchangable, same thing with the NAV tuning panel, which only indicates 000.000. Any ideas how to fix this bug? Re-installing didn’t help at all… (bought it at the marketplace)
A small impression on the attatched image
Welcome to the forums! When you get a chance-you can read the Code of Conduct to learn how things work around here and check out the #self-service:forum-guide for some forum tips
This is a known issue for this product. They have a hotfix you can download (if on PC) on their Discord, linked here: DC Designs Discord
In the future, use the developer’s support email, Discord, etc. as most devs do not look at these forums.
Thanks @HamMan2118
unfortunately the link is invalid, is there Discord server still active? I definitely need this bug fix download.
As I’ve bought the Concorde at the MSFS Marketplace I can’t contact DC Designs, bcs you can’t find any contact details/EMail address online, on there Facebook account or at the JustFlight website
Thx you all, the link worked, but how do I install the fix? When I add it and overwrite the old files, the cockpit disappears afterwards - just fuselage remaining @HamMan2118
If you have a dcdesigns-aircraft-concorde folder under the dcdesigns-aircraft-concorde folder in your community folder then you have extracted the files one level too low.
If so, reinstall Concorde then make sure you extract all the hotfix files at the community folder level, not to the dcdesigns-aircraft-concorde folder, so that it populates the right sub-folders.
I’ve bought the Concorde at the marketplace, everything is in the Official>Steam folder. Nothing within community. Furthermore there isn’t any sub folder with the same name under the “dcdesigns-aircraft-concorde”, it direct starts with ContenInfo, Documents, effects,html_ui
Reinstalled several times, have no clue how to fix this- but I reaaaaaly want to fly this rocket asap
The few airplanes I’ve purchased from the MSFS Marketplace have been loaded (by the sim) on the folder : Official/Onestore not in the Community folder.
As far as i know, any updates to these airplanes have to go through the MSFS marketplace only . You cannot import an hotfix from the external market into the Official/onestore. You can import it in the Community folder only if the airplane has been purchased directly from the modder from the external market which would be loaded in the Community folder.
In that case you will likely have to wait until SU11 goes live and DCD gets the update through to marketplace.
Unfortunately these things can happen when joining a beta. If you really want Concorde now, you could opt out of the beta and go back to SU10 where Concorde works fine. Just be aware that doing so can invoke a reinstallation of the entire MSFS.