DC Designs Concorde. Turbines and ap turned of at 12k ft and 250knots with 40% Fuel. Why?

As written the Concorde just turned of their turbines. Dont know what went wrong and could not start the engines again. The plane crashed in the andes some 80 miles before Saintiago de Chili.

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i cant say for certain but i would guess you ran out of fuel…BUT you had fuel remaining , well yes but if you look more in detail at Concordes tanks it has a lot of fuel tanks but only some feed the engines directly so you may have had fuel stuck in tanks that are not connected directly to the engines . ( i cant remember the numbers but i think its tanks 5 and 7) This is where the dark art of moving fuel around in Concorde comes from also what isn’t mentioned in the manual and caught me out is that you need to transfer fuel to tank 11 for CG purposes but you also need to replenish the tanks feeding the engines from the forward tank . last time i flew it i was constantly looking at the MSFS fuel load tool in the upper bar to assess what fuel is left in which tank to make sure those feed tanks don’t run dry.

I feared something like that. I was even thinking about refilling tanks while airborne. Too bad since my flight from Ciudad de Mexico to Santiago de Chile will not count :frowning:

i think i have tank numbers wrong but you can see in the manual which are the feed tanks and basically just monitor during flight and if you can and understand it move the fuel around , if not as obviously Concorde wasn’t used on most routes and can be fuel limited just fill them manually

Filling manually seems to be better choice next time. I really wonder since i thought every turbine should get 25% of the fuel.

This is the real concorde i’m not sure if the MSFS one is identical as i remember there were a lot of fuel issues in the SDk when he was making it so had to make some compromises but you can see each engine has a feed tank

Sounds like you ran out of fuel in tanks 1 through 4 and didn’t have the feeder tanks 5 through 8 including 5a and 7a configured correctly to transfer fuel to them throughout the flight, hence why they ran dry. The trim tanks 9 through 11 can also hold quite a bit of fuel and on longer flights you may need to transfer excess fuel out of them into the main tanks to keep the engines going while still maintaining CofG for that phase of flight. There are plenty of youtube videos out there that show how to correctly transfer fuel with this aircraft.