I’d like to just say once again that anybody comparing the DC Designs F-14 to the DCS F-14 is wasting their time. Essentially, the more the “DCS is so much better” crowd dislike it, the more popular my F-14 will be. Two reasons for this - DCS already has a great study-level F-14, so anybody expecting another one doesn’t understand how business works. Secondly, the market for MSFS is many orders of magnitude larger than that for DCS, especially so since the console launch - again, a business no-brainer. Lots more people want my kind of F-14 than want another ( and more expensive ) study-level Tomcat.
It’s fun watching how upset DCS fans get about an aircraft release for a simulator they don’t even use or profess to not bother much with. Here, YouTube, Facebook - there is a small fraction of the community that simply cannot bear to see anything other than what they want to see. “The developer is a scammer because it’s not study level.” “The people who buy it are idiots for not buying what I think they should buy.”
Nobody cares what these trolls think. They’re so massively, massively outnumbered by those who simply buy what they enjoy and, well, go off and enjoy it, that they just don’t matter, no matter how loudly or how often they shout to be heard.
The F-15s got off to a rocky start in MSFS as I learned how to use the simulator best, and the tools needed to develop for it. Those same trolls were all over it here and elsewhere. It’s been one of the best-selling jets on the marketplace. I get a LOT of messages asking when it’s coming to X-Box ( marketplace is very slow ). People really enjoy them. Some don’t, of course, but most certainly do.
DCS is a small user market - tiny, in fact. There are those that much prefer using it, and that’s fine. I don’t go over to the DCS forums and complain that it’s basically Ace Combat 7 with crappier graphics and more buttons to press, do I? Nor do most MSFS users. To the 3% of sim fans who prefer DCS World, who stumble across this or feel unable to prevent themselves from writing their tiny-minded, and inaccurate, posts here on an MSFS forum - how about just going and enjoying what you do, and letting the 70%+ who prefer MSFS enjoy their sim without your incessant whining?
P.S. To those claiming either DCS or MSFS are simulators - they’re just called that. They’re games, totally games. I say that as a trained pilot. A 10,000 hour DCS or MSFS hard-core addict doesn’t know 90% of real-world aviation. It’s just a fact. They’re games, and we’re all gamers.
P.P.S. There was mention of my use of lower-poly counts than some other developers. This was deliberate initially, to improve performance over prettiness. Still counts in many cases, but with the recent SU5 FPS improvements and other enhancements to the game engine, which prefers mesh over resolution, this will gradually be changed going forwards.