DC Designs F-14A/B Tomcat Announcement & Discussion

I notice that I can access and move the wing sweep selector while the cover is down (wings in automatic mode). Popping the cover will the engage the manual mode and the wings move to the chosen angle.

If the lever can move freely like that, may I suggest binding it to a propellor pitch keybind? Increase Prop = Increase Wing Sweep. Having to look down into the cockpit to manually adjust the wing sweep lever kinda breaks the fun factor.

The wings are slaved to a light variable so that they show up in multiplayer, which is more valuable overall for the experience. If / when Asobo give us more MP compliant variables we should be able to change that.

I am just trying to get the F-14(and others) to work as I know they can/should.

Last night I completely uninstalled MSFS.

This morning I was going to add the aircraft 1 by 1, to see if the problem would present itself again, hoping it would not as uninstalling the sim as many know takes a day.

First aircraft added, F-15. Immediately the HUD is correct. More importantly though, how is the performance? I test it, and it worked. Great!

Next, I install the F-14. F-15 was done in game via marketplace. F-14 was done via JF.
I get a strange pop up like before saying the F-14 is already installed. Very strange in my opinion. There was no F-14 in any folder or in the aircraft selection screen when I went to choose the F-15.

I load the sim up, choose the F-14. Put the fuel the same as I did for the previous test, same weather settings, same airport, etc…

Immediately, it is showing the old HUD(not on video but I first loaded at KGCN and HUD showed old reading). Not good. But more importantly to me, how is the performance? Well, in this video I do a side x side comparison of yesterday’s video, and where yesterday’s video showed the correct HUD but incorrect performance, today’s video showed at first shows the correct HUD, AND the correct performance. But then I load a 2nd flight, at a different airport, and the HUD then resorted back to the old way, however the performance was that of the updated/improved performance.

I’m trying to figure out, is this a me/my pc issue, or is this something that needs to be handled by either JF and/or the developer?

Here is the video after a complete re-install of the sim, showing correct HUD and correct performance, but then incorrect HUD but correct performance.

(to recap, all three aircraft were flying/performing with all updates showing themselves for approximately 2 weeks, and then around late July inconsistencies in performance and HUD started to show themselves. At first only with the F-14 and F-15 both their HUD and performance, but the F-16 didn’t start showing the same issues until a couple weeks later.)

As of now, I have not tested the F-16 as it seems to me the issue is one of three things: Something installed/hidden somewhere in my pc that is causing old udpates to mix with the new one and I need assistance from some pc friendly helper person, or there is a problem with the installer and JF needs to look into this, or there is a problem with the aircraft that the developers need to look into.

I’m assuming JF installer but would like feedback as to what direction this needs to go.


Please stay on-topic of DC Designs F-14A/B only.

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My previous post included other aircraft from DC design and was removed because of off topic.

Anyway I will just stick to the F-14. So again. Why are the F-14s texture’s sub standard? I really want to buy it but after the YouTube reviews I can’t get over the textures inside and out. Even compared to the stock planes it looks dated.

So, DC Designs. Why don’t you use higher resolution textures on the F-14 and do you plan to upgrade the textures in the near future? If so I will buy F-14.

Hope this is on topic.



For all questions direct to me, please use my Facebook page as requested. No further support questions of any kind will be answered on these forums. Thanks.

Sorry don’t do FACEBOOK. Guess I will just wait for another developer to make one with good textures

What would be wrong with just a good old fashioned email address? Just a thought.

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I do have one but it’s from my authoring days so doesn’t match up well. Going to close it soon also.

I will probably start a Discord channel soon as that seems more acceptable to many than Faceache pages.


The mind boggles as to how you find the time for the service you have already provided.
Permission granted for underpants outside your trousers



We have done our best, but according to some it’s apparently nothing like good enough. That’s what makes my mind boggle.


We all know the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few. Thanks to the efforts of you and your amazing team the community that enjoys your products are able to take some of the regular issues on here off your plate.

Keep it up alot of us are looking forward to your future projects.


Here here!!! Dean there are a few things I noticed with the update which have already been stated and you have stated a resolution to come. Thanks for all the work you all have put in to this awesome aircraft and thanks for the extra liveries that continue to pop up in updates!!! Keep it up, to anyone considering buying this just do it and enjoy the ride!!!


That comes across pretty insulting. You’re entitled to your opinion, but that’s all it is. I think the textures look great inside and out. I certainly wouldn’t label them sub-standard or dated. Also, it helps to keep in mind the compression of internet videos can be deceiving both visually and for audio. Perhaps you shouldn’t jump to conclusions and consider the product on the merits of actual reviews and feedback from other customers, rather than demand action for your assumed “issue”?


No Sir. It’s not just my opinion. It’s many people’s opinion. I also own 2 other DC design aircraft one that’s white and flys at Mach 2 plus and another that is a single engine prop,2 seater.

I was censored in my first post mentioning that I own 2 other DC design aircraft and they are all sub standard as far as textures go. I have watched most competent reviews and they are in agreement. I’m not debating the quality of the current release. I’m asking why they don’t design their aircraft at the same level of texture quality as even the stock aircraft, let alone some of the other offering in the same price range that are gorgeous. If you can’t see it then good for you, but many many can. And the fact that I can’t get any support for the 2 that I own let alone ask a simple question has convinced me to move on.

A simple email address would have sufficed and I could have avoided all this fan boy stuff.

A simple question and this is what I get. Crazy


I think the flight model and functionality is far more important than AAA rated visuals.
The guys at DCD are always improving their products.
Maybe in time there may be visual updates but personally as entitled to my opinion as others are to theirs, they’ve done a really outstanding job so far.


I have nearly 9,000 followers on Facebook whom I update every week with progress on current projects, as well as respond to questions, bug reports and other correspondence. Several billion people cheerfully use Facebook, so it’s a perfectly reasonable platform for the purpose. If a user does not wish to use Facebook in any way, that’s entirely up to them but no developer can reasonably be expected to cater for every single individual’s preferences. Furthermore, I don’t make the rules here, Microsoft does, and they’re clear, no support questions at all. Not only that but I have already stated I will be starting a Discord channel when I get time.

I model for performance so that all users can enjoy their aircraft without worrying about CTDs and other associated problems with other airplanes, which entirely ignore the MSFS SDK’s data on model sizes, polygon limits and texture limits. 8K textures may look great, but the sim doesn’t like them at all, for instance. MSFS’s game engine prefers mesh over resolution and recommends using that. Most Asobo aircraft use 2K albedo textures throughout. Useage of PBR makes everything look great but is a learning process for those new to it, and takes time to master. The airplanes are perfectly fine as they are, but as others have said, I improve them all the time and never leave them for long without new updates. Concorde’s is to be released in a few weeks’ time. The Tomcats even sooner, but they won’t be getting texture upgrades at this time as the vast majority of users are perfectly happy with them, and so am I - they are far from “sub-standard”. If they’re not for a particular user, then that’s fine, don’t buy them. It’s not like there are not literally hundreds of images released / preview videos etc long before the products are launched. Everybody knows what they’re getting long before the product launches, if they take the time to actually look.


Were they actually aircraft by DC Designs, or aircraft from entirely different developers you imagine were made by DC designs?

The Cessna Bird Dog, right? :roll_eyes:

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The issue about updated HUD with old performance, switching back to old HUD and old performance, has lead me to believe there’s an issue with the installer.

After a month of having issues, I deleted everything. Did a complete re-install. I first flew the F-15, and it was fine regarding having all updates work as supposed to.

However afer I used Just Flight’s installer for the F-14, the F-14 immediately showed the old HUD, and old performance. In the same game load, I then hopped back into the F-15, and the F-15 switched back to it’s old performance.

Regarding support for this matter, I am unclear if I should go to just flight or use facebook.

Anyone who has the F-14, or a combination of the F-14, F-15, and F-16 JF installer is at risk of having updated aircraft with the exception of the performance. Even if one of the aircraft is marketplace, but one of the other DC aircraft used JF installer, all aircraft can be affected.

I’ve already provided video proof of this on their respective threads, but this issue seems to affect all DC military aircraft. However I’m unclear how many people it’s affecting.

I was able to do some practice test with updated and older flight models so if you’re curious what flight model you’re getting, I can help you determine.

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You start off with a condescending tone, so yeah you open yourself up to a rough response. That’s not crazy, it’s common sense. I intently followed Dean’s weekly FB posts developing this plane as it’s near and dear to my heart, and the amount of thought and detail he puts into his work is amazing. I for one appreciate the balance he strikes between visuals and performance (and between study level and fun). Not all of us have super computers, and I think the visuals are outstanding anyway. There’s always room for improvement, but Dean has proven to continue to support and improve his products, far more than most other developers.

Dean’s open communication style is top notch and refreshing. If appreciating that (and his products) makes me a fan boy, then label me however you wish. I really don’t care. The main thing I am unapologetically a fan boy for is the F-14 herself. She’s a beautiful beast, and I believe Dean’s rendition does her well. I’m sorry you can’t see that.

Back to tone: It’s one thing to say, “I’d like to see higher resolution textures/poly counts, is this possible in the future.” It’s another thing to say, “Your textures suck, why don’t you make them better.” It seems more like you’ve already made up your mind and are looking to burn bridges on your way out the door.

Either way, I’m not going to argue this point any further. Good luck to you.