So, I went and did it. You can now also get support here;
Discord link above updated.
So, I went and did it. You can now also get support here;
Discord link above updated.
The switching back to old flight performance and old Hud problem, is that discord for support or just flight?
Someone on the F-16 thread just posted a video and unintentionally proved what I have been suggesting since July, that the F-14, F-15, and F-16 all have an issue with resorting to previous updated models on all three aircraft. His video ended saying it was the updated F-16, but yet his HUD did not reflect that.
Besides my video proof of the jets in July, there is that guy’s proof in his video in his F-16, and here is recorded video of me deleting anything/everything MSFS related:
After my now 4th re-install of MSFS 2020, I only downloaded the F-14 and the results-
Seems to me the F-14 seems to resort back to previous updates faster than what the F-15 or F-16 does. Meaning if I fly only the F-15 for a few hours, no issues. Same for the F-16. But if I fly the F-14, pretty quickly the HUD will change and then the performance will change, and every time the F-14 performance changed, when I would get back into the F-15 or F-16, their performances would change too.
Take all bugs and issues to the developers support channels.
You have been posting the same now for a while in multiple topics.
EDIT: Discord link updated.
Why does it never follow the nav line anymore it just seems to loop round on itself
@DEAN01973 thanks for the discord! Also had an idea. IF the “D” ever sneaks its way in the VF-31 Tomcatters sunset livery might be a cool cherry on top just saying
You missed a trick saying he’s posted fartoolong on the same subject !!
Can you please update to a new link, this one seems to be not working anymore.
Try this one
Worked, Thanks a lot.
No problem. Anytime
Discord is like the name says: disagreement between people.
Why in the world would folks leave here for discord? I tried it and the mods were totally discordant and incongruous. So, I suppose if that is what you like then…good bye.
What makes you think they can’t use BOTH discord and the forums?
The MSFS moderators don’t want us having these support questions on this forum and have cracked down for us to do it elsewhere. Hence the need to go to Discord. DC Designs have created a Server so we can continue our conversations there. Many Devs, and MSFS influencers use discord. I’ve never had a problem and prefer it for specific forums. I’m sure you can keep talking here but they wont help you with any support questions.
To clarify:
Moderators follow Microsoft Guidelines. Microsoft put the guidelines in place about 3rd Party Developers using the forum for their support channels. It’s not moderators, but rather moderators enforcing those Microsoft guidelines.
3rd Party Developers using this forum for their support channels has caused a lot of issues with customer/developer situations that required intervention from moderators. A situation moderators should not have to be involved in.
The main purpose of the 3rd Party category is for the community to have a place to “discuss” and share addons. Community members can assist others who need assistance in learning that addon. 3rd Party Developers can assist the community on how to use their addon in a “professional” way. All bugs and support goes off the forum.
I stand corrected, I think
All - Took trip, think got covid, regardless, was able to update sim, NVIDIA driver today. For while had enough energy to take test hop in F-14, love that black jolly roger paint scheme.
My secret testing base - TOGA - Twice, plane flew just fine, have no complaints. I have most if not all graphic settings medium to low to save heat on my GPU. Nvidia released the new driver, did that make difference? Who knows.
I have flown this one in A-B and the one in X-plane as D (public beta), the cockpit in this one is better for clarity, and all the modeled buttons/switches work in this one. XP’s has some work left, most if not all the buttons switches are inop. No master battery/avionics switch, fuel valves do not shutdown engines, and not sure how to cold and dark make it work.
DCD’s one is almost for me perfect, just a great plane for a time when I feel like cxrap for sure. Never had cold/flu like this one. aarghhhhhhhhhhhhh.
If this post needs to move, let me know where.