DC Designs F-14A/B Tomcat Announcement & Discussion

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Does anyone know if there is a way to release the wire from the tail hook once landed?

Is there also a way to do a catapult launch? I extended the nose hook but didnt seem to do anything.

to release the wire i had to turn 90deg and it disconnected, as for cat launch i dont think it works yet. i guess we cant have every thing at once :laughing:

So Miltech was somehow able to get traps to work for the Bush on xbox? Not sure how they managed to do this without wasm support. Hopefully they’ll figure out how to get the cats to work as well. It would also awesome if they got IFLOLS, CLS or a TACAN station (not sure if CVNs are equipped with these or not) etc.

My only gripe with this one is they haven’t seemed to fix the performance issues since frame rates seem to go right to hell any time you get near it-likely due to the animated radars etc.

Now, if LVFR could attempt to do the same improvements with their Global Carriers mod…


New patch out this morning:

Patch Notes:


Looking for a current invite link to the Discord - one above no longer works. What I’m really looking for though is a list of the simvars/events used by the aircraft…

Here you go.


Cheers! Such a change from the Kodiak and 737.

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What happened to the update for my F-14?

If that is a custom livery maybe that’s the cause. Otherwise, i recommend you do a clean install of the F-14

Thanks, it’s the VF-31 custom that I always fly with. I’ll remove for now :frowning: and that should fix the issue. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Although put a cool livery on it and it could be Tomcat-NexGen. :crazy_face:

All - In accordance with NATOPS Manual on B, there is a button on stick, which controls on/off for DLC, I am unaware if that can be “modeled in MSFS”. Some changes noticed in 1.0.5, especially the Mach speed read out (outside plane-minimum instruments shown in bottom of screen). So, what Mach number should I be using to land with, I think about .37 or so. I also read the mini guide, but in it, KIAS is quoted. Going to check again and see if I can change back display. Later going to just get to 20,000 agl and practice AOA and slowing down for landing to see if it’s as difficult as I think it’s going to be. Yes, realize at FL200, things will be different because of less air pressure, but high enough then to keep the “gotchas down to management level maybe”. Will advise. Going to do it in place warm so air pressure will be even less than at KATL area where we are cold as heck.

All - Sad, but I changed a setting in the developer mode, and that killed all controls, etc. in the PMDG 737 I was flying the other evening. No warning, nada, and had enough of this sim killing me. I love the F-14 and the 737 but MSFS is driving me nuts, with fixing more than my old age has left in it. It’s now off PC, I will wait till I either have new PC or beginning of 2nd quarter to see if finally, Asobo has fixed it enough that it does not kill me every time I change something. Hopefully they will put in warnings or better yet, documentation on what to leave alone and what we can change. Thank you all for understanding. Happy Flying to all. MS71


I’m back!! LOL.
I see we can dial in our altitude again. :clap:
I LOVE!!! the F14 and have no regrets with my purchase. Looking forward to the A10

Keep up the good work. :heart_eyes:

Note: I received a few emails while I was away. Sorry for not replying. I was not being rude, I was offline due to an update to my MS security. Locked out for 30 days. Plus, I was buildings a new pc.


Looking good there, Tomcat got its swagger back. i hope the Asobo MARKETPLACE issue wont hold back the updates at all, you guys are doing a super job :smiley: :+1:


OMG!! This looks AMAZING!!! Was the weapons updated or was I just not loading my payload correctly?

Question for the F-14 community. What was the real life max operating altitude of the F-14? I ask because MSFS ATC told me to go 60K.

Random malfunctions and adding a drop tanks switch would be COOL!!!

BIG!!! Thank you to DC Designs for the F-14. AWESOME!!! job.


Excellent video on carrier landing by real F-14 Pilot on Ward Carrolls channel. The guy he is talking to, is Rear Admiral (RET) and was in F-14-A-D, and has about 3000 hours in type. And, if you watch the little AOA indicator on the left side, he shows/explains exactly how it should look, and he fly’s plane no hands just using throttle/trim. If you find and read the little tidbit book in the root folder “Mini Guide to Aviation” author gives excellent narrative on how to properly land this plane. I have landed it lots of times in SIM, but am almost positive aint doing it correctly. The video above reference shows visually how it should be done. I will watch again. Not sure, at 71, I actually have the reflexes left to handle it, but going to try. Did the Aircraft Carrier get released? If So, how do you find it as landing platform? Thank you in advance. Saw something about update, but have not found it yet. Thank you DC Design.


I don’t seem to be able to tune in ADF or get the TACAN to work, any suggestions?

ADF should work, not sure tacan does. I have not figured out how to setup and use, others who might have can assist maybe. Hate the fact got to watch YouTube video on how to do it, but that is where I’m at. Supposed to work I thought as the Maverik update was supposed to enable and put the data in the sim, but never tested, so really do not know. DCS’s works as far as I know, not sure again about in X=Plane 12, have not tried that either. Let us know what you find out.