DC Designs F-14A/B Tomcat Announcement & Discussion

It depends on the settings involved but there is an update on the way that makes things easier, will be uploading to Just Flight but might be a few days time as I would also like to allow some time for any further bug reports and also to learn to add more special effects to the airplane :+1:


Adding liveries is a bit of an art form and not something I’m familiar with to be honest - I can add them easily enough when compiling the whole package, but adding them afterward is not something I’ve done before, hence there only being a brief description in the manual.

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As a thank you to all those who have purchased the Tomcats, my NAS Miramar scenery for MSFS has been published as freeware - rude not to really, as the Tomcats have been my most successful launch so far.

Go for your lives, Tomcat drivers, and buzz that tower!! :sunglasses:

NAS Miramar freeware scenery by DC Designs


Thank you for making Miramar free to us Dean, I for one am very grateful!

Also Congrats on the most successful launch so far! Really well deserved as the F-14 is just incredible and you and the team really have done it justice. Flew it for about 3 hours this morning and it’s still as magical as that first time!


Really love the plane.

Just bought it and did a quick flight.

But I’ve got a question.

Tried AP with just hdg mode.
But I can’t change the heading.
I was turning the knob on the right side next to the hdg button.
But it stays at 0

Ok so after a bunch of testing I did figure out the F14 wasn’t the cause of my Jetway problems. I don’t fly much of the asobo airliners since I fly the CRJ or FBW A320neo mainly. What happened to me was the F14 was the most recent thing I installed when I found the jetway problem. So at least I verified the F14 to not be the culprit😅

Thanks again for the amazing plane to have in the sim! I hope once the top gun update is out and there are possibly carriers that this plane will function to take off and land on them.


@WinterHuntsman There is a great add on by Hard Deck Simulations currently on sale on JustFlight. I have had it for months and love it. The arresting cable isn’t super realistic and they are static but for what sim allows currently they are great and the dev is constantly looking to upgrade them so can move and proper lights ASAP. It also is compatible with the F-14 :smiley:


This is a small bug with the AP system at the moment, it’s fixed for an update but another user posted this on the Just Flight support forum;

I managed to get the HDG bug to work.

AWL/PCD = Pressed to change center and HUD display to HDG (not TRK).
AP master switch = ON

In this config I am able to use the wheel to change the HDG bug.

However… this is when the MODE switches are all turned OFF. By Mode switches in this context I am referring to the TO/CRUISE/AA/AG/LDG switches.

If I select the CRUISE mode (which I had activated on previous longer flights) then the HDG bug resets to 0 degrees and becomes inoperable by the HDG bug wheel).

So in short it seems the culprit here is the MODE=CRUISE setting.

Whether this is intended behavior or not is not for me to say, but the solution is at least to leave the MODE switches all turned OFF.

A little further testing and it seems HDG bug operates normally in TO, AA and AG modes, as in it does not reset or become inoperable where you can’t move it. However in the CRUISE and the LDG modes the HDG bug becomes inoperable. In CRUISE mode it seems to reset to 0 degrees, while in LDG mode it automatically switches to TRK mode and you can’t move the bug anymore. ALso using AWL/PCD switch to change mode from HDG to TRK does not work (just instant switches back to TRK and does not let you move HDG bug).

The AP system in MSFS is much more complex than previously ( or seems to be ) so there is much more to play with in order to get things to work the way we want them to.


thanks… managed to do a hdg AP.

but when i spawn at night the red light is bright.
when i switch the red light off and back on again, it\s very dim.
cant seem to get it bright again.

I apologize for the HDG bug getting stuck in a position, but I want to inform you that we have already solved the issue and tested it for the next update: Not only will you be able to manipulate the HDG in all modes, but you will also be able to select between SELECTED HDG and MANAGED HDG. When you were following a flight plan, the HDG managed mode will automatically follow the flight plan (similar to NAV mode), and if you change to selected HDG you can manually change the Heading. Default mode will be selected.

Likewise, if you use the GT (Track) mode, you will be able to do the same.

To change between selected or managed you will be able do it from here:


and you will visualize it in the PFD or HUD as HDG SEL or HDG MNG:


We will review the initial dimming when the red light switch were turned to on. Anyway, you can adjust the decals dimming with this knob:



you are my hero :slight_smile:

another question… i managed to take-off with vnav.
but does vnav also handle the descent?

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Yes, using VNAV during a flight plan will handle takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, approach and final approach speeds. They will always be below mach1 for obvious reasons. The other options available are to use FLCH SPD mode or normal mode with ALT or V/S.

I also want to mention that the speeds managed in the version that you have right now, for the approach and final phase are a tad low when positioning the plane facing the runway, and I recommend that for that phase you do it manually maintaining 220knots before final approach. In the next update VNAV will do it automatically by lowering the landing speed as a function of radio altitude.


Hey Dean. I figured out the steering left issue. Of course it was user-error. I’m a little rough on the rear gear during landings. The damage was causing me to veer left. I just need to get better with the flight stick! What a plane!!!


Glad you solved it! :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the Miramar Naval Air Station


Been following this product for a couple weeks - it looks very, very good initially and the posts and videos I’ve seen since, plus the amazing level of developer involvement, have been stellar. Pulled the trigger this morning so I will be able to install/fly first thing after work this afternoon. This is going to be a blast. :slight_smile:

EDIT: So I’ve taken a work break, downloaded the installer and run it on my gaming system. For future updates, will it simply be a matter of downloading a new installer and overwriting?

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Yes! The installer will delete the old version to be replaced with the new one.

I’m glad about your purchase! Hope you enjoy it! :smiley:


Just keep an eye on your email inbox. You’ll get an email from Just Flight when an update is out.


Okay, this thing is an utter BLAST!

That is all … :grinning: