DC Designs F-15

Sorry guys, the 1.8d version’s changes, only affected de E model, so the F15C was working as 1.8c version.

So, i attach the 1.8e with the requested changes on landings and some tweaks to the engine’s map to both aircrafts.

dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_CJ447_1.8e.pln (66.8 KB)

This is prerelease

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Nice work!
If players do not consider about over 20G turn and AOA issue at your flight model, it can be acceptable!
This mode makes the F-15 to be controlled as easy as an arcade game.

Thank you, I take note! :wink:

Hi again, i repeated the exercise using v1.8e in the F15C and with AOA 8 speed is 130knts so bit low.
AOA 5 gave 150knts. Might be worth waiting to see if others confirm this.Havent tried F15E yet.

Hi, just landed with v1.8e and confirm [PridedThread577]'s observation. No remarkable difference between C and E.
In v1.8e the AB flame occurs only occationally.

Yea. Even I have noticed about it. The flaps generate too much lift. Try this and excuse me, let’s see if we can square it.

dcdesigns-aircraft-f15_CJ447_1.8f.pln (66.7 KB)

Diegel, which model do that? The AB flames issue i mean

Jack, thank you for your hard work
The devs should pay you :slight_smile:
What about the missing co-pilot from the cockpit view?

It should be working, is selectable over camera ui

hah, this was the ticket. apparently I completely didnt know what I was doing. downloaded winzip and unzipped the folder. working like a charm now. much better than a slow F15! thanks!

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Not this
I mean, when I turn my head, from cockpit view, I can’t see the co-pilot
I don’t want to have the cockpit co-pilot view
Thank you

Something strange, with the 1.7beta, when I start a fly in cold and dark, LNAV doesn’t work. When I begin a fly on the landing runway, all works fine.

Another question, did somebody use the speed AP ? is it funcionnal ?


Thank you for all your hard work the plane is great!! I appreciate you!

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About the speed AP, enter systems.cfg and go to autopilot section at the bottom.

Enable this:

autothrottle_available =1
autothrottle_arming_required =1
autothrottle_managed_by_plane = true

Let me know if it works for you

I see, i would have to look at it.

Could you make a test and replace cameras.cfg with the stock one?

My camera file is different and i would have to take a severe look at it.

I’m flying now, I will test it after, thanks @CodenameJack447

Sorry, i have tried it and doesn’t work :frowning:

Yes, of course I will
Thank you

About Speed AP ? Arf difficult to find some issues, at least, many thanks to try

aw it works!

autothrottle_available =1
autothrottle_arming_required =1
autothrottle_max_rpm =5
autothrottle_takeoff_ga =0

you need alt+r to enable it!

But you need to bind the keys to keyboard to increase decrease it.

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