DC Designs F-15

@SilentG37 show us the SWITCH to make the HUD on/off @Aviattore7040

I already mentioned the volume. It is realy too loud. I set volume of the engine to 10% in options menue which is okay for me. So I can hear the ATC voice.

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Ok guys, i have noticed that in external view ui the flaps are not showing the deflection’s percentage models E/I.

A quick workaround would be just enter cockpit.cfg for each model and correct the following:

slats_level_1 =0
flaps_level_1 =0
slats_level_2 =0
flaps_level_2 =0
slats_level_3 =0
flaps_level_3 =0
slats_level_full =0
flaps_level_full =0

by this:

slats_level_1 =""
flaps_level_1 =""
slats_level_2 =""
flaps_level_2 =""
slats_level_3 =""
flaps_level_3 =""
slats_level_full =""
flaps_level_full =""

Another solution would be replace them by the one included in 1.14_i

I attach you the file. (just rename from .pln to .cfg and replace the file, also i recommend to backup the original)

cockpit.pln (5.0 KB)

The information for the new update has the note:
*NOTE: Autopilot remains a simple 3-axis system and does not have selectable VS or ALT. Fly to the required “numbers”, activate AP master, then grab HDG Hold, ALT Hold. *
Set throttle for airspeed.
Set GPS/NAV switch to “NAV” for VOR navigation, switch to “GPS” to follow a flight plan.

I have not yet found a way to lock in a specific altitude. Using the XBox controller, the altitude is so squirrely that by the time I go to set an altitude I am anywhere near, I’m thousands of feet off. How have others locked in a specific height then also been able to change it in flight to a different level?

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Thanks, I thought, the tinted HUD glass
Can’t believe I have to give up flying the F15

if you don’t mind to bind the AP keys to your keyboard here is a workaround:

Bien compris ton dĂ©sarroi, j’en suis dĂ©solĂ© et j’espĂšre qu’une solution sera trouvĂ©e rapidement

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Well, by default, you should be at proper trim/stable pitch when you are locking altitude. Most autopilots of that sort require that you have the aircraft in “stable” configuration when you engage it. So, trim it, get it “stable” before you activate ALT. Basically, the autopilot on this aircraft is really used for long-range cruising, not for your quick hops. If you are doing a long-range flight, you have plenty of time to stabilize the aircraft before you engage ALT hold.


Maybe some modders can do something about this

A few weeks ago I asked a similar question and you suggested to me to “bind” the ap settings to the keyboard. I thought I knew what that meant, i.e. going to the controls settings and defining some keyboard keys to functions. Unfortunately, I could not really figure out what which function definitions were the right ones to use. Then, for a couple that I though I understood, I could not get them to work. Sorry for my ignorance.

Thanks Boston. I still have not perfected trimming for any aircraft yet. I need to work on that.

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Sorry, I didn’t see your previous comment as I was too busy multitasking by working whilst scanning this forum. You are quite right now I have read your earlier comment. Thanks for the tip also. I have now amended the engine sound volume to 10% and that makes an amazing difference bringing out all of the other sounds, which are unfortunately drowned out otherwise. Unfortunately that will mean changing the sound levels back again for all other planes in the sim, but I don’t mind that as a temp fix. Maybe a tweak with the sound balances are required from the developers in the next version which, for me, will be the icing on the cake with this F15

No worries, i would try to do a manual.


It would be cool if DC could do the EX model, and make it look like a new jet. Some of those models look like they have been left out in the sun for years
 Be cool to see a shiny new version.

I’d start with something slower. Play with elevator trim settings on Cessna 172. Then move up to a slower fighter like MB-339 or G-91 if you have them. Those are best to practice on - that’s why those are trainers. Then move up to F-15.

I do it with my keyboard. I use arrow up and down to change the altitude and page up and down to use VS.
It was perfect with 1.14i😉
But there were the fourth screen
Alter without thoses commands, it’s most difficult to answer ATC to change altitude during a trip

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Hey all - great work @DEAN01973 and @CodenameJack447 and all the others I am probably missing.

Downloading latest version now.

So is the AP still working or no? I tried reading all the messages above but couldn’t tell for certain?

One other question – where are most of you finding these awesome liveries? flightsim.to?