De Havailland DHC-2 crashing with live weather while all realtime weather are below 10kts

Description of the issue:

To get forward with my career i need to fly the smaller airplanes. I also enjoy it truly, but half of my missions are given with the DHC-2, so i need to do them with it but crash so often with it and lose controll over the plane while only trying to taxi with it or sometimes just standing. I only took missions where in real live, the weather is at 10-15 kph what translates to 5-8 kts ingame. There is nowhere on the world, where the weather is calmer at this moment. Sometimes the winds then crash my plane even before taxi, when i can skip those and can fly with it then it often takes the plane apart on or after landing, i only sometimes am successfull when the wind comes directly from front or from behind. But even then after taxiing the plane gets flung around.

Why are these 5 kts winds doing something like this to my plane ?

It ruins career, I love career, its the whole point for me to play. I even liked it so much (before the live weather was activated with the extreme 5 kts winds that feel like tornados) that I planned to buy a microsoft flightdec and upgrade my edition as soon as the marketplace would be activated. But I guess if thats not fixed i can save some 300odd euros now. I guess there are at least a few hundred thousend others that are on a similar path, please fix it and make this game way more successfull and a long time success and not a desaster release that is only defined by its release.

This issue also takes place with the Cessna 172, but only sometimes (wonder why, i only fly where real live winds are at maximum of 15 kph). I cant even make money because of this because in my company i got the 172 and cant afford crashes (my airplane has destroyed landing gear and i have to little money to fix it, so i cant realy go forward with the career to get different planes).

If applicable, which aircraft is experiencing this issue:

De-Havilland-DHC2 and Cessna-172


Almost always, sometimes i am lucky and get only some (still wildly intense) sidewinds, which then makes it possible to land with full tourque on paddels.


  1. Look up where in the world it only has 5 to 10 kts winds
  2. Try taxiing a DHC2
  3. If not crashing, try landing it
  4. When Landed, see the 15 kph wind take you standing plane into its hand and turning it into the wind as if the 15 kph are 90 kph winds.


Settings are not relevant, but i play on pc with an i9-10100 and an rtx-3080 with high settings. All of this happens in career mode with any live weather.

No mods or anything else.

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