Deactivate Windows Game Mode

I deactivated windows game mode, eliminated the pop-up icons in the screen, deactivated g-sync. My simulation came back smooth by setting everything Ultra \ High! Try it, it costs nothing!

Good flight

When you say eliminated the pop-up icons, what is that? The points of interest pins?

I think it’s the in sim menu icons which you can turn off. Rumour has it they get you about 10 fps if you disable them (use the gear icon in the in sim menu)

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I don’t see any gear icon in the menu

Please see this thread: Significant fps boost with this trick

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The main culprit is the mini VFR map

Why does Windows Game Mode slow down FPS? It seems like recommendations go back and forth each.month or each update without a good explanation of what Windows is doing or not doing.

Also, I am puzzled why Gsync is turned off. Gsync doesn’t have anything to do with FPS. If you bought a monitor with Gsync but aren’t using it, you may have overpaid for your monitor by not using an expensive feature of the monitor. Everything I’ve seen about Gsync is that it improves the quality of each frame by eliminating tearing and artifacts…

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I wonder if the OP meant v-sync? I have a g- sync monitor and normally have v- sync off in games because g- sync does the work and synchronises everything correctly.

However I came across a thread in here a while ago with an article that suggested v- sync set in nvidia control panel with g-sync works best. I’ll try to find the thread and post a link. I use this set up just now, although can’t say I noticed much difference. I definitely don’t get screen tearing though.

Edit - found the post and article:

I have done several tests and I can reproduce it. With game mode turned on, I have stutters and low video card usage. Now my card works as before update 3. I have 99% stable in external view! With the Cessna I again have 110fps almost everything on Ultra, with the A320 at the airport I have stable 50fps (KLAX, EGKK, LIRF, KJFK) in flight 55 / 60fps. I am very happy because now I have the performances of months ago. I’m sure it’s bug’s and so I’m getting around them. At this point I think it is also a windows problem.

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I gained about 1.5fps from turning the VFR map off, probably because it is rendering in the background even when hidden. I probably got 0.5fps when I turned the rest off.

Does anyone use this with Windows 11? Just thinking with it enabled it might stop Defender running etc. Not looking at FPS gains as such. Thanks.

I don’t know why it would. I have it running, and Defender still runs. It’s the only AV I have so I depend upon it.

In the background, I mean. When on MSFS.

I have Game Mode on with Win 11 and Defender running with no problem.

New clean install of Windows 11 and and FS2020.

I would script it in that case, to stop the Windows Defender service when the sim starts, then turn it back on again when it closes.

I don’t recommend this though, as you have no AV protection in that configuration.