Can you please elaborate further about this wishlist?
Some background information about the reason why you want this as a wishlist could be nice. Especially when told in a very detailed description on how you came to this conclusion.
Based on your single sentence, that is identical between the topic title and the post itself, I am only receiving a very minimal amount of information from it. So based on my very limited understanding on the hearing impaired, I hope you can clear a few questions from me.
Picture: I’m struggling to understand the need to have a deaf sign language to picture. Since picture is picture, there’s no sound coming out of a picture, so I’m not sure how a sign language is beneficial to be put into a picture, since the picture itself will not have any movement. And from my limited understanding, a deaf sign language is conveyed using full motion, and not a stationary position. Which is what you will get when adding a deaf sign language to a picture.
Video: Video can benefit from deaf sign language, that’s true. But from my (again) limited understanding, I feel like deaf sign language is only useful for Live announcement videos. You know videos that are broadcasted live to be watched simultaneously by the audience. This way, having a deaf sign language in it makes sense because they need to convey the information directly to the hearing impaired at the same time. Something that closed captioning won’t be able to do in live broadcast.
However, depending on the video type, I’m also struggling to understand what kind of live broadcast about MSFS that requires deaf sign language in it. If it is just a video about people flying in the sim, there’s really no need for it. Because I’m pretty sure there’s no deaf sign language that conveys engine sounds and instruments clicks and beeps for the whole flight.
But when we’re talking about videos like developer updates, or announcements. While it’s good to have deaf sign language on them. I don’t think it’s an important matter to have it. Because they can be scripted, and can be added as a closed captioning / subtitles for the hearing impaired. It’s not really a video that everyone needs to see at the same time. Especially since we’re dealing with a global playerbase here. Even for me, watching a live stream from the developers doesn’t make a difference because they are always done at 3 AM or so where I live, so I’ll never be able to watch them live, and it’s not important enough for me to make me stay up that late to see a dev update that doesn’t really impact me that much. But when I do want to catch up, I can just rewatch the recording, and turn on the subtitle so I can understand what they’re actually saying in the video.
So I apologise for the long post and if I sound a bit unsympathetic, But I’m trying to understand your wishlist as best I can. While I would like to agree when it comes to better accessibility for everyone. It needs to be justified well enough to be warranted.