Check out the latest Development Update blog here:
Please use this thread for feedback and discussion. Thank you!
Check out the latest Development Update blog here:
Please use this thread for feedback and discussion. Thank you!
Woo! Airport lag fix!
Big thanks to the Asobo dev teams for getting one last patch out before the holidays! And I hope you all have a chance to relax after, it’s been a busy launch season and everyone deserves a holiday break <3
I have the 777 andi like it but fur the price it should have included the freighter already. There’s no freaking way I’m paying that huge price for it and then more on top for liveries. F plus liveries is the same price as the passenger one. No discount for owning the other one? Surely the vast majority of it is the same underneath
Thank you Asobo team for the update tomorrow. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with your friends and family. I’m looking forward to many more updates in the coming new year.
Can we still get a G1000 moving map ring fix that’s been broken since launch? Or is that on Working Title’s end?
There is lots of finger pointing on this. WT says it is not their problem…and Asobo refuses to concede that it is broken…so we are left high & dry.
Okay…. Interesting response to the topic.
The thread relating to the problem has been bug logged so they saw it so
Sweet! Awesome of you guys for one more update before the new year.
Despite frustrations I have really enjoyed FS24, I can’t stop playing career mode!! I haven’t touched FS20 at all, on my system at least, FS24 runs so much smoother and without all the stuttering and FPS drops. Obviously there are things still to fix (KLIT!! lol, Marketplace, more planes in career mode, ect…), and I know that you guys will.
But now is the time for you guys and gals to take a break! Breath, rest, spend time with your families, be thankful and be at peace.
God bless you and your families and have a wonderful Holiday Season!!!
At least I can get into the game and not have any CTDs. Still needs a lot of work though.
I agree. Overall I’ve been enjoying career mode. I’ve had many many many frustrating moments. Especially with some of them being hair pulling (if I had any) bugs. I know the team is under a lot of pressure from the community and I’m sure internally. I truly am grateful for tomorrow’s update. I am sure they tried really hard to make sure we’re left with a workable sim until after the holidays.
Had my fingers crossed that they’d drop a last minute hotfix for some of these issues, really happy to be pleasantly surprised – but can’t quite uncross the fingers until the update hits if it does…
I wonder how long msfs24 will remain just funny oddity for short shots over deserts in small planes on xbox. Without freelook and control setup fixes it is just that for now.
Please fix the Xbox mouse freelook issue, it’s affecting playability more than anything else for me anyway.
Merci aux équipes d’Asobo pour le sprint juste avant les vacances de Noël! Surtout prenez un repos bien merité et passez de bonnes fêtes de fin d’année!
Thank you Asobo team for delivering hotfixes just before holiday time! Take a deserved rest for Xmas holidays and enjoy end of years celebrations!
Yeah, thanks so much for fixing that airport performance issue! Bonnes vacances!
What time is the update supposed to be out? It’s Friday on the U.S. west coast now, which means it’s been Friday in France for quite a while.
Still before noon in France.
I’d hazard a guess based on all other releases it will be at at 4pm UT(GMT) again. That hits most timezones around the world simultaneously during waking hours (apologies to those of you in eastern AU).