After SU7 If I do a IFR flight OR NOT I can change speed and altitude with the knobs but does not change in the EFIS display. Where the speed is displayed it is in red and has [SPD SEL] displayed and where the altitude is displayed it has 5000. I had the same problem with add-on Airbus aircraft also so I completely emptied out the community folder to eliminate any issues that I may have with add-ons it did not fix my problem. But the thing is my default Boeing 747 and 787 do not do that.
Moved to #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft since the majority discussed are non-stock.
I would guess that the versions of the Airbus you’re flying are using managed speed and altitude. It sounds to me like your aircraft is - correctly - sticking to the 250kt speed limit below 10,000ft, and sticking to the published departure altitude. Try setting speed and altitude control to SELECTED rather than MANAGED, i.e. pull the speed and altitude knobs toward you (click the bottom of each knob, when the cursor changes to a downward arrow I think).
See if that helps.
There could also be speed and altitude constraints in the flight plan’s departure and arrival procedures.
MSFS ATC does not recognize these constraints, and will assign speeds and altitudes that do not agree with the published SIDS asnd STARS.
SID and STAR waypoint altitude and speed constraints matching departure and arrival plates are used by ATC when these constraints are in the flight plan data for the waypoint. Flight plans created by MSFS World Map have this information. Many 3rd party flight plan creators do NOT include this information in their flight plans for ATC. Pilots should verify and use the information in the SID and STAR plates.
Your symptoms are rather unusual.
When you are using the aircraft that aren’t responding properly, is there anything else in your community folder?
If so, empty it of all but the aircraft you are using to determine if there is a conflict with other addons in there.
I rewrote my original post to clear up confusion.The main problem is that I can change the speed and altitude with the knobs but it will not change in the EFIS display.
Airbus AP operates completely different from Boeing.
Are you familiar with their autopilot?
Originally I thought it had something to do with a IFR flight. But I put the aircraft on the runway without doing a IFR flight and I could adjust speed and altitude but it will not change in the EFIS display. So with that said my problem does not have anything to do with a IFR flight. I did not know Airbus AP operates are different from Boeing.
I had the same issue, but… the solution is very simple: Go to your General Options → Accessibility → Cockpit Interaction. Set this from LOCK to LEGACY
After this setting, you can change the select managed mod or manual mode in the altitude stick on the AP panel.
I sure am glad that somebody else also had this problem because I was losing hope. Who would’ve known that it would have been so easy to do adjustments in the settings to fix this problem. I noticed once you push out the knobs you can use the arrows to change altitude and speed with no problem.
I have a question for you that is not related to this problem. I cannot get the default Boeing 787 to follow the IFR flight plan. Do you have a fix for that?
You responds to my problem was correct. I had to do changes to General Options → Accessibility →Cockpit Interaction. Set this from LOCK to LEGACY. I had my setting set to lock and not legacy.
That fix my problem and now I can push out the knobs to change speed and altitude with the arrows
and it will also change in the display. Thank you very much for your response to my problem!
I had the same problem. Altitude wanted to be 5000, and anything I tried did not change it. If I turned off autopilot and manually climbed to the altitude I wanted, as soon as I turned the autopilot back on it descended to 5000 ft. Changed from LOCK to LEGACY as suggested, and that solved it. Just completed a test flight from KSEA to KPDX and landed successfully. All was fine except for the trees on the runway, which is a different issue. Thanks to this forum for the help!!
I fly with 787 in IFR plan, but it is working fine for me. What is the problem width it? I dont use the MCU, only plan the flight on the “globe”.
trees on the runway? Woww, it is funny…
Is the route showing correctly on the 787 nav display after it is entered in the FMC?
trees on runway? I have had trees on the taxiway. But not on the runway, [NOT YET]
What I do to make a IFR flight with the default 787 is I use the globe to pick a departure airport and starting location. Then I pick a arrival airport and runway where I’m going to land. I do not use the FMC to set up IFR flights but I noticed that it is in the FMC correctly. Once I am airborne I will line up with the flight plan then switch on A/P. I have a button on flight yoke to reset the altimeter and sometimes not all the time if I press it it will pick up the flight plan. Once I am in the flight plan I have to keep on pressing the altimeter reset.
The altimeter reset is for altitudes (in MSFS) above 18000 feet.
IRL that height varies depending on where you are.
Below that you set for the local area’s current barometric pressure.
After the AP and AT are on,
Engage L (lateral) Nav to follow the flight plan, and V (vertical) Nav to climb or descend. If you level off, and need to start to climb or descend again, after you dial in the new altitude click the altitude knob.
When I am on departure I will manually go to the IFR flight plan then once I am on that I will set A/P and L (lateral) Nav, so tell me do I need to also activate V (vertical) Nav for it to stay on the flight plan?