Default Airliners Lose Navigation Upon Reaching STAR

We got an AIRAC update today. It would be interesting to see if anything has changed in regards to this issue.


I’m less than an hour away from arrival in an A320, so let’s see. Updated, rebooted console and restarted the Sim.

Today, on 2 previous flights in the A319 I lost the navigation completely.

So, according to my observations, here’s what happens. As soon as the aircraft reaches the transition point between the cruise and approach phase (most often a STAR), a new “USER” waypoint gets generated in place of the STAR, and all the flight plan prior to this point gets deleted. The simulator behaves as if there was a brand new flight plan, starting with a custom waypoint (USER) and ending at the destination airport. See the screenshot of my FMC, taken yesterday:

At this point there is no flight plan before this waypoint (USER), even though I started at an airport. And this “flight plan swap” causes the problems. Sometimes the aircraft (in this case, the A320neo) can handle it. The plan disappears for a few moments from the ND, then it reappears and the autopilot starts flying the “new” plan. However, sometimes it bugs out and loses the whole path completely. The same with Boeing aircraft.

I think this is a simulator issue, not an AIRAC issue.


For what it’s worth, my last flight after the AIRAC update from today, went well. No lose of navigation.

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Just ended a repeated flight to Zurich LXZH RW14 with problems. Different from previous flights. In this case in the middle of the star,on ND appeared the RW14 as a next waypoint deleting some waypoints ,but the final leg was still there and theA320 reached the faf with the remaining leg still shown while, on the VFR MAP, they were partially disappeared. Only the white final leg was shown .Horrible mix.

I first noticed it in SU9. I’ll try out my “test flight” and see if the update has changed anything.

I’ll be testing this evening. So this was a flight with known issues that now works fine?

No, it was just a random flight. Frankfurt-Bastia, ILS approach.

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OK. I’ll fly my go to flight later on. If it’s fixed, the AIRAC data was to blame.

If that’s the case, I still don’t understand why the aircraft with Garmin equipment is fine…

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I’ve noticed this odd USER waypoint as well. What would happen if I remove it in flight?

I tried it once but it deleted the whole plan. I probably did something wrong. It’s pointless anyway, the rest of the plan is the same that you set. It’s just that the STAR is “swapped” with this strange custom waypoint.

By the way, I flew after the AIRAC update and it’s the same. This is a simulator bug.


This is a truly maddening bug for me.

It keeps happening to me with any plane. With the latest update it got worse making it impossible to fly decently. I hope Asobo is aware of this

A more basic problem for me is just locking onto and hold the flight path. The A320 and B787 both are uncontrollable after takeoff and show no interest in the plotted flight path. The Garmin aircraft are almost normal in this regard, but still need to be coaxed onto the flight path. I agree there seems to be something amiss in the sim software. I am hopeful this bug is addressed with each little update but, alas, not so.

Your issue seems to align more with a similar problem I had. Try increasing the deadzones of your controller and see if that helps. Fixed it perfectly for me. If the sim detects even the slightest input from your controller, it will refuse to lock onto the flightplan in AP.

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Sounds quite odd. In my experience, the aircraft with Garmin equipment work as expected.

Just ran my “test flight”. This is definitely a simulator bug, and not AIRAC data. I paid close attention to the situation today…

As soon as the plane entered the STAR, the mysterious "USER " waypoint appeared and the plane made a beeline for the airport. In an attempt to salvage the situation, I immediately erased the USER waypoint and then the plane got back on track. Only problem now was a new waypoint was introduced called DUTOV that isn’t anywhere near the existing flightplan. To make matters worse, my destination changed from CYYT to a waypoint AO which was approximately 20 miles offshore over the ocean.

There are obviously some serious issues going on here that Asobo needs to address.

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Increasing the dead zones in the Velocity One yoke seems to have solved the erratic A/P problem. I made three flights tonight in the A320 and B787 that were perfect. Thanks for the tip, MSFSFreak2019.


I managed to capture the bug on video. Look at the ND and the FMC simultaneously. As the aircraft reaches the star, part of the flight path disappears. Then it appears again and the STAR becomes a USER waypoint in the FMC. All previous parts of the flight plan are deleted at that point.

It would be great if this bug was finally logged.

Broken link for the video.