Default Airliners Lose Navigation Upon Reaching STAR

They haven’t fixed the issue unfortunately. I have the same bug every flight.


The A310 works perfectly when you import the flightplan from Simbrief. Not the point, but at least we have an airliner that works properly. Regardless, this bug boils my blood and it needs to be fixed.

Very bad.let’s see what happens on my next flights and I’ll let you know.

The A310 is on my trials list but there is a lot to learn that takes time. I would rather prefer to try the FBW A320 first and see if even there the bug is biting. I haven’t seen bad comments by FBW users on this regards…

Since a very long time this happened to me again yesterday, approaching EGLL. But it was with the Capt Sim 777. Let’s just hope it had something to do with the weather issues etc…

You must manually enter all STAR waypoints without selecting STAR to avoid this.

It worked flawless for over 3 months without having to do that. I see no reason why it shouldn’t work now.

For me this is still happening every time I fly airliners (I use LVFR’s A319), the aforementioned “USER” waypoint gets generated after a brief absence of the flight path. But since it doesn’t really affect my flights and doesn’t requite any intervention from me, I got used to it. But the bug is still there.


Yes, this is what I meant. But yesterday it didn’t recover after the brief absence.

That is something I never figured out, what it depends on. I relatively rarely fly airliners nowadays, the more advanced GA and business jets are in the sim, the more I transitioned towards them. And the Garmin software planes don’t have this issue. I’m hoping for an AAU for the default airliners, to get them properly in shape.


Yes me to. I believe that AAU is coming, but not until June according to the roadmap.

I used to face the same problems as posted in this thread so,a few moths ago, annoyed by that I moved to FBW A320 where I’ve found a different kind of problems. In Jan 2023 I returned to the Asobo A320 and repeated many times my usual flights and I must say that I never faced this issue again so far. All flight are good. IMO even ATC is much better now.I execute all the clim/descent calls and I can land everywere without problems (by adjusting the VS adequately on descent).

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I’ve never had real issues with ATC in this regard to be honest. They bring me down in time. It has happened a few times that I had to use the speedbrake in order to sufficiently expedite my descent, and of course they go completely crazy if the descent is above mountains (they keep asking for a different altitude continuously), but apart from this I am completely fine with them. Even more interestingly, when I fly the upgraded Longitude for example, where the G3000/5000 displays the point of Top Of Descent, the ATC instructs me to descend almost exactly at the TOD. So they obviously know what they’re doing and it’s great.

I rarely fly the airliners, but I flew the A320 from CYHZ to KBOS yesterday and had no issue with the STAR transition.


Today my approach on EKVG(Faroer Islands) in the A320 went smooth. But it was an easy approach, pretty much in a straight line from DECEL, no banking involved.

Keep in mind that the 777 is still based on the stock 747…it’s really only the 747 with a different skin. Since this bug appears to plague stock aircraft, this is the reason it happens with the 777.