Default "hangars" still look like homes/domiciles

Same issue as with 2020. Can we PLEASE get hangars at default airports? There are a FEW structures that sort of look like hangars but many smaller airports, which would have rows of hangars, have these home-looking buildings.

The layout of default airports is fine, but these homes are awful. How could you fit an entire aircraft into these first 4 domiciles in the foreground??? There’s NO hangar doors…

Real airport hangars look like this!

And this! (must have been a storm lol)

T hangars look like this

Inside of a T hangar:

Medium/Large aircraft owner (private) hangars look like this

Here’s an older metal hangar with sliding door

Here’s a large private hangar for multiple aircraft exterior:


Some hangars open sideways and some have hydraulics like this and lift the door


We really need some updated 3D models for these.

Yes, that would be a much needed enhancement.