Deimos A-6 Intruder - Released

A thread to discuss this model now on the marketplace.
Note: there is a weapons patch here: DeimoS A6 Intruder Weapon's Patch (All Liveries) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

Very initial observations from just a couple minutes of testing:

Overall Visuals: inside and out are nice (to me) and a step up from at least his older releases. I’d say on par with his F-5.

Sounds: I need to hear a real recording but claim ignorance to the real thing. Sounds like a jet.

Cockpit: Simplified systems on a nice visual base. Some hot buttons near the sight reticle to enable a pilot and copilot in VC and copilot in exterior view. Still learning what is where.

Repaints: Quite a variety. Visual quality is decent but up close may look slightly grainy. Compare to F-5.

Flight Dynamics: Sluggish and heavy perhaps like the real thing - very heavy. Still researching.

ISSUE : Again, still looking but noted the following

  1. Desert repaint misspells USS Theadore Roosevelt as Rousevelt.

  2. Nose wheel steering seems to be a thing on this aircraft, but is not enabled properly. I get the full range of turning motion available to me with it off, but the nose does not pivot visually on the ground. With NWS on, I get the same range of motion but with an appropriate pivot visualization. There is no cockpit indication regardless of NWS setting.

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Bought this earlier, and also downloaded the underwing stores pack from .to.

Flies nicely to me…did jettison the canopy (well…you have to try all the buttons! :wink: ) but have not yet found out if you can replace it without having to restart?

I think a couple of the buttons were reversed in operation…but on the whole I like it :slight_smile:

@DeimoS987 so they know of this thread and any reported issues.

Allow me apologize in advance for pointing out the irony…


No Third party support is allowed on the MSFS Forums. Please report any product defects or issues directly to the author. Every Third Party is obligated to provide an off board support channel or method. Thanks.

Yep fought the phone on that and it won, since these forums don’t work well on mobile. Now I’ll have to check the first name spelling on the plane itself just to be sure.

So they have a Facebook page that they haven’t attended to since 2021, and an email I found through an empty Simmarket page that may or may not be attended to.

Meanwhile, they are active here (or were in the past). I’d respectfully recommend reviewing the support accessibility / state of play for all of the devs here.

Will investigate the email route I guess. Thanks.


I completely agree with you, but as multiple devs here have faced support stamp-downs in the past, I don’t expect any traction on that point. How odd that a forum for the sharing of ideas of a product (MSFS) will not allow developers to talk about their add-ons on which the product relies. I do understand the slippery slope argument, but this seems an over-reaction to it.


General conversations are allowed.

Back and forth interactions with the Developers and their potential, future and former customers involving feedback (i.e. voice of the customer, complaints, billing) and technical support on the product is absolutely not allowed for Legal and Operational reasons.

For any further questions on this policy, please contact Staff by sending a DM to @moderators. Thanks.

Video review from AvAngel

Looks ok and what I expect from Deimos.

I think this is an ok plane to add to the hanger but won’t pay the full asking pricing. Deimos stuff usually goes on sale fairly soon so I advise waiting.

It would be good to see more functionally from the mock terrain radar. One example would be how Virtavia did something in the A4 SkyHawk.

Alternatively allow us to use the WT GNS 430/530 terrain radar instead. Call it a civilian upgrade.

I was able to hack the Deimos SU27 to include the GTN750 so may have to try the same with this if I get it. More space available. That gives the option of terrain, traffic or weather.

Here ia not allowed… there is my discord for that!

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Thanks for report, i’ll adjust the plane at first update as usual as soon as i get some report :wink:


Please use my discord :wink:

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Would someone guide me where the wings fold button is in the cockpit? I could bind the key but I still wanna know. Thanks

Hi deimos,

Cool plane. It’s on my list to get. I’d like to request a
S3 Viking as well. Any chance you’ll make this?


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Hi there, its at the back of the centre console (look to your imediate right & down when sitting in the pilots seat) …oblong lever , just click on it and it rotates 90 degrees.


How are my fellow Xbox flyers getting on with this aircraft?

I installed this aircraft today in MSFS 2020. I have flown the real thing. My father-in-law test flew the A-6 in Albuquerque, NM for the Navy before it became part of the inventory.

Some questions:

  1. Is there a manual somewhere? Seems to be trial and error and guessing at procedures.
  2. I tried several flights off a carrier in MSFS 2020. The aircraft reversed direction in a hard left roll. The real A-6 flew like a fighter with no payload. Anyone else experienced this control issue? I use high end Thrustmaster peripherals.
  3. Couldn’t find the HUD.
  4. Saw a comment from someone about the VDI display for the pilot. The greenish color is realistic although bright. As an all weather bomber, this display was the leading edge tech for terrain depiction.

Hopefully someone can provide some useful answers.