When will Deluxe and Deluxe Premium DLC will be available separately for purchase ?
As having Xbox Game Pass, I needn’t to buy the full bundle.
I believe it was/is available as an upgrade in the marketplace. Per my recollection premium/deluxe was less expensive or maybe $5 more. I can’t really see the pricing any longer as it just shows owned. I just remember it being confusing because based on the description it sounded like they included the std. I can see now though that it specifically says DOES NOT include the base.
It’s already available, maybe it has something to do with using Game Pass since you haven’t technically purchased a license to the game. You’re using a pass.
Also, you should be aware, that generally games are only on Game Pass for a year, and may cycle in and out. However I understand that a couple of years ago Microsoft stated THEIR content would remain on game pass, but if I were you I would confirm that before I went out purchasing add ons for games I haven’t technically purchased.
I use GP since the beginning on Xbox (and use GP on PC since Ultimate offer exist), I can confirm that Microsoft’s games remain in GP (only exception are cars games due to licence).
As a game pass subscriber you can buy the upgrades from the marketplace to get deluxe/premium/premium deluxe packages, but they are quite expensive.
Also remember that as soon as you quit the game pass subscription, you’ll no longer be able to play, no matter what you bought in the marketplace. You either need a subscription or at least the standard version of the base game to access the contents again.
It’s worth checking whether you’d save money in a few months if you buy the full game in the edition you need right now, except if you know that you’ll keep the game pass subscription to other reasons anyway.
With the higher game pass prices, the duration until a full game gets cheaper than the game pass is reached quite quickly
My Game Pass expire 12/2022… and I will have 2 more year with Series X All Access (so my Game Pass will extend to 12/2024)…
I will wait promotion…
Looking at the Marketplace the cost to me to upgrade is £70 which is more than the game cost me in the first place. Bit disappointing there isn’t an actual upgrade option, Microsoft over the years have been a lot more generous than this. Maybe in the future they will make it more feasible to upgrade, would love Heathrow but not paying £70 for the privilege, I can do my beginner landings elsewhere for now
I agree. Why can’t we upgrade to the Deluxe without paying the full price for it?
Just seems so against what Microsoft have done in the past, they are so generous sometimes with Windows, I went from 3.1 to Windows 95 as a free upgrade, XP to Windows 7 for £25 and then free to Windows 8 and then free again to windows 10. But they want £70 for some extra content?
go check out what third party aircraft and airports cost. Then look at how many aircraft and airports you get with the expansions, and you’ll see it’s pretty solid value for money.
MS gave a bundle discount if you purchased it all in one go. By not buying the full package initially, you didn’t get that bundle discount.
Really nothing to complain about.
I take that point but the full game cost £59, how can an upgrade cost £70? It doesn’t add up, the reason I didn’t originally go for the deluxe at purchase was I couldn’t afford it , simple as that.
Surely there’s a balance here they are missing, yes it takes a lot of work to make this content and they need to make sure they get a fair price but also all that work is wasted if not many people see it!
They make more money if 100,000 upgrade at £35 then if only 30,000 but it at £70. Random figures but you get the point. Just my opinion of course , I wouldn’t say I was complaining as such. It just surprised me
If they would only charge 30 for the upgrade, then most likely the base game would have cost 100.
It’s a valid marketing strategy to attract customers with a low initial price, and then upsell after they’re interested.
I would say that 60 is ridiculously cheap for the base sim. I would have been willing to pay 120 for just that, but instead I got the whole premium deluxe package for that amount
A VPN is your friend.
has they told anything about upgrade pricing policy? ıt looks so odd especially for microsoft
I´m sorry but that doesn´t make sense. The only discount is a reduction of 18 or 24 Euro when you buy deluxe or premium deluxe while owning the game pass. For the huge rest of us, the prices for the different versions are regular store prices. I bought the standard version, because i neither knew whether the game would run (smoothly and on ultra) on my rig (i7-4770, 16gb, 1070Ti) and that in VR (it does), or if it´s even acessible enough (the last sim i mastered was Janes USNF 97 ). After countless hours riding on autopilot in VR, numerous crashes because joystick sensitivity is not my tea cup of tea and many tutorial videos i have come to the conclusion an update to premium deluxe is worth it. But apparently some Microsofts executives think upgrading from standard to deluxe or premium deluxe is worth asking for the standard full price again plus the difference to the better version. Thats a bussiness model you´ll having a hard time finding anywhere else. But hey, if you think thats still a bargain, great for you. I for one will wait until MS execs come to their senses and offer us some realistic prices.
I’ve been trying to purchase just the upgrade. I have deluxe version on Xbox and want to upgrade to premium deluxe. It’s $95 to upgrade to Premium deluxe. I wish there was an option to just get the last 5 add on. I paid like $80 for deluxe not paying $95 plus for the premium deluxe. Something is not right. Maybe I’m missing something.
I’m waiting on my Xbox to arrive, so don’t have access to the in game marketplace. I was going to buy the physical disc (currently on offer in a local store). Can someone confirm the price for upgrading from the standard edition to premium deluxe (ideally in €). Thanks!
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