Denarq Twin Beech - Beech 18 improvements mod. Now for MSFS 2020 and 2024

Great work! Thank you!

Thanks for updating your post with lots more information. Very helpful!

This mod is excellent!
Congratulations and thank you!

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Whatā€™s wrong with it? Works great for me. I assume the lack of features is consistent with this era of aircraft.


Thank you! One of my favorite planes in MSFS.

Having some issues with the feather test. It seems to shut down the engine! Before I began the test I checked and the engine was at 100%. I can restart it each time but I guess itā€™s not supposed to do that

Absolutely amazing. Thank you so much!!!

You have transformed this beautiful aircraft.

A quick request, do you think it would be possible to add a free castering tail wheel (similar to what Duckworks have done with the DC3)? The taxiing is one of the most important aspects of these old radial tail draggers!

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Your right. Iā€™m going to try to find a solution.

Done. :wink:

Hey, hereā€™s a silly but earnest request.

I love Caranado aircraft, but why do they hate the HSI so much? :joy:

I can think if two aircraft at least where every instrument is lit at night but the HSI!

Unless the instrument was lit by Radium or Tritium paint in actuality, itā€™s almost pitch black at night.


Can someone help an old guy out? Iā€™m using axis & ohā€™s and I cant get the throttles to work. Iā€™ve found the throttle LVARS and have assigned them as suggested above, the throttle handles move up and down properly but the the MP doesnā€™t increase, it just stays idling. Any ideas on what Iā€™M missing?

Is anyone using this in SU12 beta?

I tried, but got a few issues that necessitated removing it for now:
. Chase view I could only see the fuselage, and it was in cutaway mode. Strange error only seen a few times before in MSFS.
. Cockpit view the pilot avatar was inteferring with the view

I only had another camera view mod installed for it.
Deleted this mod and the camera mod and Beech were back to normal.

Hey there! Try a different livery. Iā€™m not in the beta but this issue exists for the ā€œWhiteā€ livery at the least. Not sure how many liveries this affects but its not all of them.

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Add the Cessna 195 to your list and it is pitch black at night. They didnt provide any console lighting at all for this one but they did leave the flashlight functional. :joy:

It would be nice if this mod could add some lighting for the HSI. (on-topic statement :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

Updated: Oops! Iā€™m behind the times with this. There is now gauge lighting in the C195 but still no ambient console lighting to see the switches.


Yup, HSI needs a light. Not sure if @AlexBap8588 can add this in or not?

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Wow, fantastic. Thank you so much. Will it be a separate folder to add to the community folder, or will it be part of an updated package.

Thanks again!

Has anyone worked out how to map the carb heat to axis (I use Axis and Ohs, but canā€™t find a variable anywhere).


please also offer one were tail wheel is as now,if you have no pedals it is imposible to stear on ground if there is a free castering tail wheel,so for me this mod get useless then.
or leave the line in and only coment out,so we can change this back,please.
Thank You


If it even works. It isnā€™t really a free-castoring wheel. It behaves somewhat like a free-castering tailwheel in the DC-3, but gets weirder the smaller the plane gets. This issue has been discussed thoroughly. Still, there is a belief it can be done via the flight_model.cfg. So far that isnā€™t the case, and we have been waiting two and a half years to be able to say otherwise. If it was, developers like FlyingIron wouldnā€™t have resorted to using custom code to simulate it (why would they waste their time?)

See: Make Castering nose / tail Wheels an option in Assistance Settings - #6 by Steinways. The OP attributes the odd behavior of the free-castoring wheel to the contact point not corresponding to the position of the wheel on the ground, leading to some strange results.

Amazing you just gave me a reason to get this plane, also because itā€™s from one of my favorite moviesā€¦. ā€œItā€™s a mad, mad, mad, mad worldā€. :slight_smile: