This is a mod to enhance the Local Legend V: Beechcraft Model 18.
Campatible for both MSFS 2020 and 2024.
The objective of this mod is to provide a more realistic experience of this fantastic aircraft.
The main aspects that are already implemented in this mod are:
*New oil system with persistent oil quantity, oil tanks, oil leaks, oil consumption and new oil instruments.
*New modern propeller model.
*New advanced [FUEL SYSTEM] with increased functionality like cross-feed valve.
Persistent engine wear afecting engine performance and fuel and oil consumption with the ability to view and reset it in the cockpit.
New flight model with both air and ground handling.
Aircraft performance tuned to much more realistic numbers
Underthehood engine code with damage and wear associated.
New systems modeled like oil shutters, oil bypass, cabin heat, etc.
Detail log:
Flight model:
-Much more progressive yoke response.
-Takeoffs: More stable behaviour during the runway roll. The tail wheel, if locked, holds the aircraft heading much better. While the tale is on the ground, it requires the use of differential brakes or
differential throttle as described in the real manual and as reported by real Beech pilots.The tail lifts at around 40 kn as real plane and in a much more gentle way. Once tail is up, rudders get much more authority, like real plane.
-Gliding speeds and stall speeds adjusted to real values according to Beech18 Flight Handbook.
-Tuned stall behaviour that is very well described in Beech18 Flight Handbook.
-Many other small details that make each aircraft unique, such as “spongy” controls at low speed or adverse yaw.
-The landing gear behaviour has been completely revised, eliminating the bouncy characteristic.
-Cowl flaps and landing lights have drag. Cowl flaps open reduces IAS by 5 to 8 kn according to pilot reports. Landing lights is much less, probably less than 1 kn but drag is there nevertheless.
-Gliding performance adjusted to match Beech18 Flight Handbook data.
-Where default plane engine power is off sometimes by more than 100 HP to real values depending on situation, my engine is always within 10 to 15 HP to real engine data. This is at all manifold and RPMs combinations and all altitudes.
-Landing and takeoff distances also much closer to real performance charts. Tested at different altitudes.
-Engine overboost at low altitudes modeled. Despite this engine being rated for 36.6 manifold pressure, in reality, it is capable of delivering more than 40 at sea level. This is modeled in this mod.
-Propeller friction and thrust adjusted to match real world behaviour.
-Carburetor heat sensitivity and delta temperature adjusted to reflect real plane icing conditions. “Carb Mixt Temp” gauge in Cº (celcius).
-Oil and Cylinder temperatures adjusted.
Engine custom code:
(All new local variables associated with engine damage are not absolute but proportional to its operating regime.)
-Overboosting engine to more than 36.5 rated MP would lead engine wear and eventually engine damage with possible catastrophic event on that engine (kill the engine). It also rapidly increase cylinders temperatures.
-According to real plane, operating the engine at more then 1000RPMs with oil temperatures less than 40Âş will make the engine run rought, lead to engine wear and increase cylinders temperatures because of less efficient lubrication.
-Operating the engine with oil temperatures above 90Âş would lead to engine wear and at higher temperatures to engine damage with possible catastrophic event on that engine (kill the engine).
-Engine 1 minute full power and 30 minutes power is also modelled. Operating the engine above these settings for more than expected time will lead to engine wear. The counter would move backwards once we ease engine effort. Like real plane manual, 30 minutes power setting is altitude dependent.
Sea level: 34.5MP / 2200RPM
5000ft: 33.5MP / 2200RPM
-Operating the engine at high cylinders temperatures will lead to engine wear and if too high will give catastrophic or partial engine event.
New modeled systems:
-Oil shutters. In default plane the animation don’t have any real effect associated and has a dummy oil temperature gauge associated. In my mod I removed this dummy gauge animation. Because MSFS SDK don’t have oil cooling flaps independent for each engine, right now both levers open or close these flaps independent of the engine. But it will give proper oil temperatures changes.
-Oil bypass modelled and independent to each engine modeled. (custom code).
-Cabin heat: In real plane, cabin heat is used not only for passengers and pilot confort but also do deice windshield. In my mod, right lever is used to switch on/off wind shield deice. Left lever is used in conjunction with the engine selector switch to resel left/right engine wear and damage.
-Persistent engine wear. There are many factors that contribute to engine wear. This engine wear can be viewed using “Gal.Reserve” and “Gal.toDestination” positions of FF gauge knob to watch engine 1 and 2 wear. This wear is persistent between flights and it can be saved when on ground and batteries are turned off. Not only bad engine use contributes to wear but there is always a constant value that represent natural engine wear independent of how we use the engine. This constant is such that engine wears 10% each 100 hours of combustion time. Linked to this wear is a lack of engine performance that starts at 95% and is obviously proportional to wear percent.
-Propeller deice has real propeller deice associated and not only a dummy animation.
-Engine now requires prime and starter boost to startup.
Electric systems.
-Engine generators are offline bellow 1100RPM according to Beach handbook.
-DME and ADF now use electric energy and being on or of reflects actual power suply.
(Right now I’m starting to model new electric systems so it is at a very early stage of development.)
Installation :
MSFS 2020:
Copy or extract the “Denarq-enhancement-Beech-D18S” folder of the archive into your MSFS2020 community folder
MSFS 2024:
Copy or extract the “Z_Denarq-enhancement-Beech-D18S_MSFS2024” folder of the archive into your MSFS2024 community folder
-Mod creator: Alexandre Baptista
-Original sound packs:
"Single Engine Pratt & Whitney R-985 Wasp Junior Radial Engine " by Skyhigh Audio Simulations.
“FSX Pratt & Whitney Wasp Junior R-985 Radial dual engine sound set” created by ElmoSlack
(According to these sound packs creators, these sounds are freeware and must remain so.)
-Help on compass light: katIX3647 from
-Help on many many subjects regarding real life aviation: Donovan, aka donovankoch from
-Help on many many subjects regarding real life aviation: Karl, aka kaha300d from
-Beta testing and feedback:
Isidro MagalhĂŁes
Pedro Costa
Pedro Trindade
Donovan, aka donovankoch from
Alexandre Baptista
Martin “CommanderTin” from
Jason “CFJDH” from
-Karl, aka kaha300d from
-Charlie, aka MeyerFlyer99 from
Very important:
This mod has some advanced systems like oil system and others that require very precise knowledge. You have to read the manual in order to flight with this mod. Give special attention to oil system and startup procedures.
Special note about throttles and 3rd party software like
If you use these softwares to config your throttle axis, you have to set them to control localvars:
and their value range from 0 to 1.
In assign a Custom axis and use a rescale value.
VERY IMPORTANT: There is also a simvar THROTTLE1_SET but from simconnect. Don’t use this. Use (LVAR).