Desktop Pilot Flight Simulator Panels Review

Affordable, plug and play, efficient and easily mounted - I enjoyed reviewing these and they are great for somebody building their Home Cockpit.

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Tried the Parking Brake. Not impressed, returned. Very light weight plastic, larger than needs to be, handle that moves 360 degrees and push pull requiring a bit of force but not realistic at all (for me). Good luck to them but I don’t think I’ll be a customer.

i also got almost all their panels. Trim was completely garbage. All cheap plastic and very bulky. Except of Switch Panel - can not recommend anything

yeah I just noticed that on the thumbnail of the video lol the parking brake is extended past straight down. That sucks, there’s some really cheap 3d printed ones that work far better too, I don’t know why they didn’t just reverse engineer the simple designs.

Also a nitpick for me personally, I don’t like how company logos are tattooed onto the main face of the panel, I can understand there being a logo of course but come on, the visual part?

This is feedback you all should submit to them so they can improve their products. It’s a new company on the market and user input is is critical. However, don’t have unrealistic expectations like many consumers who buy these, and expect a full metal panel with laser etching and a nice powder coating finish. Keeping these products at a low competitive price puts you in the plastic/3D Printed category which still works really well for a lot of people. I was able to use all of them with no problems and I can see myself using them to build affordable cockpits for those wanting to get into flight simulation.

Finally, ask them about mounting options. For those who say they are bulky, some of the panels come with extra screws and can be removed from the enclosure they are shipped in and mounted wherever you want.

This is true, and I can also see myself trying to make a series of designs that both are cheap and feel good but overall my main priority is functionality. It needs to function close to the real thing, which makes it difficult getting into a smaller unit, however I don’t like the corners cut here functionality wise.