Detailed Small Airports - Default 2024 Scenery

I’ve been finding over time that there are a number of very detailed, hand-crafted small airports in MSFS 2024 which aren’t present in 2020. These often have custom-made hangars (some even with signs/logos matching the flight schools located at the airfield), and many hand-placed small details not found in any of the standard default airports. All of them have some connection to gliders/soaring, but most also have a standard GA presence as well. Those I’ve discovered so-far in the US include:

42B Goodspeed - Connecticut
40I (Red) Stewart - Ohio
20H9 Caesar Creek - Ohio
KSYN Stanton - Minnesota
S36 Grier - Washington
CA84 Torrey Pines - California
4NY8 Harris Hill - New York
87MO Richters - Missouri
K34 Gardner Mun - Kansas
H07 Highland-Winet - Illinois
3IL1 Silver Creek - Illinois
50M Puckett - Tennessee
1CD4 Eagle Soaring - Colorado
33V Walden-Jackson County - Colorado

Here are screenshots to illustrate some of these - all default 2024 scenery.

K34 Gardner Mun, Kansas:

42B Goodspeed, Connecticut:

40I Red Stewart, Ohio:

50M Puckett, Tennessee:

CA84 Torrey Pines, California:

KSYN Stanton, Minnesota (a primary training field during WWII, still with its original 1940s combined hangar and control tower):

H07 Highland-Winet, Illinois:

S36 Grier, Washington:


Very nice.

How did you find them (and did you have to check each in 2020)? That’s a lot of start ups!

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I noticed this too. There are a lot of them with all sorts of details. Playgrounds, some seating, bouncy castle, fences, … and I think always the glider trailers.

Maybe these are the glider airports they created the database for?

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Three of the airports are among those I’m quite fond of in reality and have enjoyed flying from in the past - those being Stanton, Goodspeed and Red Stewart - so, just by loading up flights at those airports in the new sim, I happened to notice how extra detailed they are compared to the regular default airport/airfield sceneries, and the fact that they aren’t that way by default in MSFS 2020. That’s what then got me looking for more. Sensing that they all have a glider/soaring side to them, I started using this map of real world airports with glider flight training (Where to Fly Map | Soaring Society of America | Find Local SSA Chapters), and although I haven’t checked all that many yet, most of the ones from that map that I have checked in MSFS 2024 have this added level of detail I’ve mentioned.

I figure I’ll try and locate and document some more this weekend.


Well, after spending a lot more time searching this past week, I’ve found a whole lot more! As a reminder, these are all new default MSFS 2024 sceneries, not present in 2020 and no addons required.

Here are some screenshots of a few more of my favorites:

0C2 Hinckley, Illinois

06N Randall, New York

EGDB Hinton-in-the-Hedges, UK

EGSZ Bristol and Gloucestershire Gliding Club, UK

EGSM Beccles, UK

CKJ7 Starbuck, Manitoba, Canada

CNETS London Soaring Club, Ontario, Canada

CSS4 St-Dominique, Quebec, Canada

EBSH St Hubert, Belgium

EDST Hahnweide, Germany

LFFB Buno Bonnevaux, France

YSCN Camden, New South Wales, Australia

YCAB Caboolture, Queensland, Australia

Here is a list of all of these types of airports that I’ve found thus-far, yet I’m sure there are still many more than this with countries I haven’t looked at and some countries I only looked at briefly.

As I mentioned before, these particular airports are separate from the known “bespoke/handcrafted” types, but differ from all of the other default airports by often having many hand-placed details including chairs, tables, tents, playgrounds, cars, grass runway markers, custom-made and hand-placed hangars/airport structures, real world signage, precisely-positioned hedges, etc., more accurately matching the real world airports than the standard default scenery. The one thing they all share in common is the presence of hand-placed static gliders and glider trailers, with all of these airports being at least partially glider-affiliated. My particular interest are in the airports included in this list that also have standard GA and vintage GA operations as well. Most of these are perfect for flying Piper Cubs, Stearmans, Tiger Moths and the like, as you’ll also find in reality. The only major exception to this, is that the majority of those I have listed for Japan are very strictly gliderports, with little to no infrastructure like hangars or FBO buildings, etc., but matching reality.

United States:

06N Randall, New York
0B7 Warren-Sugarbush, Vermont
0C2 Hinckley, Illinois
0L7 Jean, Nevada
0PA0 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
14OI Pleasant Home Gliding Club, Ohio
1B5 Franconia, New Hampshire
1CD4 Eagle Soaring, Colorado
1I5 Freehold, New York
20H9 Caesar Creek, Ohio
2B9 Post Mills, Vermont
2O8 Hinton Mun, Oklahoma
2VA3 Merlin Aerodrome, Virginia
33V Walden-Jackson County, Colorado
3B3 Sterling, Massachusetts
3IL1 Silver Creek, Illinois
3VA8 Garner, Virginia
40I Stewart, Ohio
42B Goodspeed, Connecticut
4AR5 Lawrence Field, Arkansas
4CO2 Owl Canyon, Colorado
4DRTG Wichita Gliderport, Kansas
4NY8 Harris Hill, New York
50M Puckett, Tennessee
55LL Sky Soaring, Illinois
69G Richmond, Michigan
6A1 Butler Mun, Georgia
6HSKG Saint David Gliderfield, Arizona
6MS1 Woodbridge, Mississippi
79N Ridge Soaring, Pennsylvania
79NC Ball, North Carolina
87MO Richters, Missouri
8HSGR Antelope Valley Soaring Club, California
92A Chilhowee, Tennessee
AZ67 El Tiro, Arizona
AZ86 Coyote Run, Arizona
C56 Sanger, Illinois
C62 Kendallville Mun, Indiana
CA69 Avenal, California
CA84 Torrey Pines, California
CL35 Warner Springs, California
CN12 Williams, California
CO15 Kelly Air Park, Colorado
E68 Estrella Sailport, Arizona
H07 Highland-Winet,Illinois
I64 Wakeman, Ohio
I99 Alexandria, Indiana
Il59 Chicago Glider Club, Illinois
K34 Gardner Mun, Kansas
KAQW Harriman and West, Massachusetts
KBTA Blair Mun, Nebraska
KCZG Tri-Cities, New York
KFRR Front Royal-Warren Co, Virginia
KRFG Rooke, Texas
KSCD Merkel Sylacauga Mun, Alabama
KSYN Stanton, Minnesota
KWAY Greene Co, Pennsylvania
LA54 Gilliam, Louisiana
MT48 Flying Y Ranch, Montana
N82 Wurtsboro-Sullivan Co, New York
P15 Brokenstraw, Pennsylvania
S36 Grier, Washington
SC79 Bermuda High, South Carolina
TE71 Ghsa-Wallis Gliderport, Texas
TX23 Flf, Texas
U14 Nephi Mun, Utah
VA85 New Castle Intl, Virginia
VG22 Rockfish Arpk, Virginia
W73 Mid-Atlantic Soaring Center, Pennsylvania
WN76 Bergseth Field, Washington

United Kingdom:

EG3L Milfield Glider Field
EG50 Eight Ash Green Airport
EGAI Yorkshire Gliding Club
EGBG Leicester Airport
EGBH Dorset Gliding Club (Eyres Field)
EGBI Bidford Airfield
EGBS Shobdon
EGCJ Sherburn-in-Elmet
EGCR Aston Down Airfield
EGDB Hinton-in-the-Hedges Airfield
EGDD Bicester Airfield
EGDH Channel Gliding Club
EGDJ1 Upavon
EGGY Falgunzeon Glider Field
EGHU Eaglescott
EGHV Camphill Airfield
EGIU RAF Weston-on-the-Green
EGIW Shenington Gliding Club
EGJD Lleweni Parc Glyndwr Soaring Club
EGJL Easteron Glider Field
EGKC Bognor Regis
EGKN Kenley Aerodrome
EGKX Kirton-in-Lindsey Glider Field
EGME Bath Wilts & North Dorset Gliding Club
EGMMK Tuxford Road Darlton Gliding
EGMW North Wales Gliding Club
EGMX South Wales Gliding Club
EGNCG Currock Hill
EGNP Midland Glider Club
EGOF Norfolk Glider Club
EGPUD Kitson Field / Ringmer
EGRM Upwood Glider Field
EGSER Halesland
EGSM Beccles
EGSOL Talgarth
EGSON North Hill
EGSZ Bristol and Gloucestershire Gliding Club
EGTP Perranporth
EGUG Sandhill Farm Airstrip
EGVS Southdown Gliding Club
EGVV Stratford-upon-Avon Gliding Club
EGXCS Postland / Spalding (Crowland)
EGXY Syerston
EGYV Portmoak Glider Field
EGZE Saltby Glider Field
EGZL Feshiebridge Airfield
EGZN Rivar Hill Glider Field


SAZC Zarate Airport
SAZE Pigue


YBEV Beverley Airport
YBLA Benalla
YBSP Bond Springs Airport
YBUY Bunyan Airfield
YCAB Caboolture Airport
YCUN Cunderdin
YGCR Gloucester Airport
YKEP Lake Keepit Airport
YMGF Sunraysia Gliding Club
YMVM Mangrove Mountain Airport
YRYW Epsom Airport
YSCN Camden
YSFL Stonefield Gliding
YTWG Lockyersleigh Field
YTYH Tyagarah Airport
YWKI Waikerie
YWKW Warkworth Airport


EBSH St Hubert
EBTX Theux
EBWE Weelde AB


SOUNR Bahia Gliding


CAA8 Invermere
CBS8 Alberni Valley Regional
CCN4 Conn Field
CEH2 Cu Nim
CFU3 Chipman
CJD2 Cudworth Muni
CJD3 Birch Hills
CKJ7 Starbuck
CNF3 Pendleton
CNV4 Hawkesbury
CPC3 Arthur East
CPL3 Rideau Valley Air Park
CPT3 Rockton
CSK5 Paquet
CSL7 Odessa / Strawberry Lakes Airstrip
CSS4 St-Dominique
CYBS Tottenham/Ronan Aerodrome
CYPI Brougham
CYRC Chicoutimi/St-Honore
CZPC Pincher Creek
CNETS London Soaring Club


SCOM Olmué Airport


LCYSH Cyprus Gliding Club


EKBA Bolhede Glider Field
EKFI Frederikssund Nord Glider Field
EKFS Vjstrup Glider Field
EKGL Gørløse Glider Field
EKHM Hammer Glider Field
EKHO Holstebro Glider Field
EKKS Kongsted Svveflyveplads Glider
EKVE Gesten Glider Field
EKVI Ejstruphede Glider Field


EFME Menkijarvi
EFNU Nummela
EFSO Sodankyla


LFBN Souche
LFBK Montlucon-Gueret
LFFB Buno Bonnevaux
LFGC Neuhof
LFJT Le Louroux
LFMF Fayence
LFNC Saint Crepin
LFOY Saint Romain
LFRP Loyat
LFUK La Motte du Caire Glider Field
LFUP Seyne les Alpes Glider Field


ED36 Hornberg Airfield
EDOSN Sassberg Glider Field
EDTSM Wildberg Glider Airfield
EDWEB Meidelstetten Gliderfield
ED91 Isny Glider Field
ED92 Leuzendorf Glider Field
EDGD Füssen Glider Airfield
EDHV Rote Wiese Glider Field
EDKG Königsdorf Gliding Center
EDKS Karlstadt-Saupurzel Airport
EDLK Egelsberg
EDLO Oerlinghausen
EDMX Oberschleissheim
EDNE Erbach
EDSD Am Kreuzberg Glider Field
EDSI Binningen
EDSK Kehl-Sundheim
EDSS Zellhausen
EDSU Steinberg in Surwold Glider Airfield
EDST Hahnweide
EDSV Waechtersberg
EDTT Tröstau Glider Field
EDTQ Pattonville
EDYE Eudenbach Glider Field
ETT1 Etting-Adelmannsberg Glider Field


WAKIF Citeurup Paraglider Airport


LILB Alzate Brianza Airport
LILC Calcinate Del Pesce
LILO Sondrio Caiolo Airport
LIMA Aeritalia
LIPN Boscomantico
LIVD Dobbiaco - Toblach Airport


RJBD2 Nagano City
RJBNV Menuma
RJCTO Shinshinotsu
RJCUJ Kirigamine
RJCUN Yoshiigawa Eku
RJEER Ichishicho
RJERE Nirasaki
RJKND Hoshubana
RJMLX Fukagawa
RJMSJ Kushidagawa
RJNWE Oyama Kinu
RJPPO Kisogawa
RJPPR Makado
RJRGT Haneda
RJRPE Tsukuba
RJSEP Hamakita
RJSOR Menuma
RJSSE Sekiyado
RJSSK Makabe
RJT1 Itakura
RJXXC Kinugawa Gliding Field


ELUS Useldange Glider


FYPO Pokweni Glider Airport


EHAX Axel Glider Airfield
EHBE Maldens Vlak Glider Field
EHBI Glider Field Biddinghuizen
EHCA Glider Field Castricum
EHNO Langeveld Glider Field
EHVE Veendam Glider Site
EHVO Glider Field De Voorst
ELZC Glider Site Schinveld
EMSUI Slootdorp Glidersite
EPOMY Wieringermeer Glider Field


RPJST Gliders Philippines


UMOPS Novosibirsk Glider Strip

South Africa:

FAOI Orient Glider Airport
FAOHR Kroonstad Glider Field
FAWC Worcester Glider Airport


ESPMY Odestugu Glider Field


LSGY Yverdon-Les-Bains
LSZF Birrfeld
LSZG Grenchen


RCYSU Mingli


UKVZ Buzova Glider Field


I noticed this too and its awesome. It gives us so many more options of places to fly, and the standard of scenery is pretty decent.

Thanks for the list, great work.

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Thank you so much for creating this list! I have been looking for one since I first tried flying at Goodspeed and noticed the custom FBO and hangars. Definitely bookmarking this thread. Just wish the Goodspeed addon on would override the default in 2024. It’s a much better representation and installing it will have overlapping buildings :confused:

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It is very easy to find and explore all of these airports in a fast and effective way by using the FStarter24 app. When you find the ones you really like you just make user POI and then you have them all marked up in the FStarter24 map for easy starts.

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Thanks for compiling this list, I’ll follow it with interest and if I stumble across any more I’ll share info here. My round-the-world tour is currently taking me through the Canadian Northwestern and Yukon Territories, then on to Alaska. Sadly all of the default small airfields I’ve visited in those regions (so far) have been very basic.

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For easier reference, I’ve put together a map of all of these MSFS 2024 detailed small airports and gliderports which I’ve documented thus-far. I’ll continue adding to it as more are found (a lot of countries still to look at).

MSFS 2024 Detailed Small Airports and Gliderports Map