Development of sim skunk works LOCKHEED TF-FRF-104 G

no orbx update for now. probably 1-2 days. never waited too long there

not distributed to other vendors yet, just
Waiting for user feedbacks to disseminate to others.

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hm unexpectadly :slight_smile:

seems a failed updated since ab rumble should be hear only when ab is lighted not on throttle position as it was in previous version.
Please double check

may be you did not read few post above where we stated simmarket only

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Everything working for me except the smoke effect that was introduced with the US world update.

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i read but must be no carefully. thought update is appear on simmarket, just saw simmarket and thought i understood everything lol

did you fix mixture/condition axis can disable engine?

I do have a plume of smoke coming out of the belly of the aircraft. When I disable all my Libraries, the smoke from the belly is gone. But there is a kind of fog behind the aircraft. With the old version these problems did not exist.

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They did exist. The second US world update introduced a geyser effect for Old Faithful and it was found that that was showing up on the plane. It’s all in the comments above. The dev patched it with a workaround but it’s back on this newest version. I was able to resolve it by comparing some files between versions and removing a block of code that was absent in the last version. This is by no means an official fix, just something I did personally.

today i took a flight with the newly updated FRF-104 
 did i miss something about the red panda server?
I can’t find the application anymore

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Thank you for the tip. I have now also compared and modified the files.

It is not there anymore:

Also, the newly updatet FRF 104 G (Simmarket) will dive to the ground, if I pull the joystick all the way back. If I pull the joystick back just a little, the nose will come up. This did not happen before in earlier versions.

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Sounds a lot like the stick kicker, which is likely to engage in a scenario where you’re pulling the stick fully back.

yeah, i noticed 

I have also the two seater, the TF 104 G, and that plane addon is not updated yet and does have the program (WebSimMSFS.icon) to get the radar working. I copied it to my FRF 104 G and before taking off, activated the program. That made the radar work. And afterwards, I flew with the TF 104 G, and because WebSimMSFS.icon was still activated, also that radar worked. So, as long as you have WebSimMSFS.icon, you can activate your radar.


While on the ground, the stabilo on the tail moves as expected, when I pull the joystick fully back. It is only during flight ( > 200 knts) when the stabilo slams down so the nose will point downwards. When this happens at 400 knts, the plane “flips over”, tail over nose. Speed becomes zero. Only centering the joystick and adding thrust will let the recover. So, as long as I pull back a little on the joystick, there will be no problems.

In contrary to what I mentioned before, the (unupdated) FT 104 G displays this behaviour also.

I also noticed, that the smoke from the FRF 104 G is very white compaired to that of the FT 104 G.
But, the FRF 104 G does not have any issues above the 10.000 ft when at full afterburn.

FRF 104 G:

FT 104 G:

yep aka “kicker” stick abruptly move fwd to avoid pitch up, well known behaviour obviously replicated here.

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well known “pitch up” behaviour of this airplane.
Pulling the stick full back ?
Each airplanes will answer on his way, this one goes on pitch up.

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