Development of sim skunk works LOCKHEED TF-FRF-104 G

Thanks for the news on the updated flight model coming soon :+1:

Iā€™m not complainingā€¦ :person_facepalming: As I had mentioned a while ago my main issue was how bouncy the thing is on control inputs it wasnā€™t a complaint, just querying why it bobs about so much on inputs mainly in pitch. Iā€™m not hammering it like a kid on an Xbox expecting the thing to behave to me abusing the life out of the plane with full deflections one after the other etc. Iā€™ve been flying flight Sims the last 25 yearsā€¦

It was merely about the bouncy yo yo like response mostly in pitch really, I realise this aircraft was designed to get up high launch a missile and get back down again quickly or along them lines and it isnā€™t some dog fighting monster.

If you could advise on that bouncy effect that would be great I donā€™t know why everyone has to get all defensive about these things, sorry I should of explained what I meant more clearly in my last post.

I see youā€™ve mentioned thereā€™s a flight model improvement coming soon for SU 11 so thatā€™s good news.

Thanks for the reply

Cheers Ben :+1:

Well the entire horizontal stabilizer moves with pitch commands, and longitudinally itā€™s rotating on very stubby wings, and finally the pilot sits a good deal forward of this point of rotation, so Iā€™d say a combo of that could account for pronounced pitch movement. Iā€™ve found that keeping the plane trimmed helps greatly with controlling the pitch.

At the end of the day I defer to Mario when it comes to the flight model as he, or someone on the team actually flew the 104 I believe.


Iā€™m sure itā€™s moddled aswell as msfs allows just really it just was after making pitch adjustments I wondered why the aircraft seems to bounce a bit thatā€™s all, it certainly wasnā€™t a complaint it may of come across wrong I know an awful lot of work goes into these models.

I see this with a lot of jets, I feel like Asobo still has some improvements to make for jets to really shine. I know exactly what you mean by that bouncing. I keep meaning to try to create some input profiles for jets that have curves to make the initial movement less exaggerated.


you got a good point:
using almost constantly trims helps a lot.
It was also true on real life, F-104 pilots pierced in a few days their flying gloves on the thumb using pitch trim almost constantly :slight_smile:
However it is true that the ā€œbouncing effect on pitchā€ exists, you can limit it using trim and a smooth handling technique, but you can not remove it completely.
Recall that the flight engine of Asobo is quite generic and undifferentiated, is optimized for ā€œslow moversā€ with conventional aerodynamic profiles, the ā€œzipperā€ is somewhat unconventional.
yes i have flown about 2000 hours on the iconic ā€œStarfighterā€ both G and S models.


Thank for the feedback back, I think it would be good if Asobo had a fast jet type flight model available to use as a baseline with the increasing amount of military jets being developed for the sim.


Iā€™ve added a wishlist item for a fast jet flight model :+1:

before takeoff and landing just set trim to takeoff(green indicator) and everything will ok then

Just a tip:
Clicking on pitch trim position light on left panel will set trim in T/O position, stabilizer will move to the ā€œTā€ marker on tail fin, green light will go on


Great thanks :+1:

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FRF-104 G VERSION 1.3.0
Just released at new 1.3.0 version

  • fixed fuel flow cut above 10K feet with afterburner, user may set/reset throttle axis extremity to 0 dead zone
  • restored native afterburner
  • injected better engine and flight model
    we will wait user feedback to disseminate to others vendors.
    Soon also TF-104 G will be updated.
    Users feedback really appreciated.

Great thanks for the update :+1:

When will it update on just flight?

Very excited to see this! One thing regarding the TF, I noticed a couple small issues with it a while back such as AB noise missing, start cart not going away when clicking remove, and the tip tank oscillations were not working. I had submitted an email to the help desk about this but never got a reply, just wanted to make sure you were aware since youā€™re working on an update. As always thank you, these 104s rain my favorite and most used planes in the sim!


good news:)

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Is it possible for those of us that purchased from within the marketplace to snag this update from you directly?

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thanks will take a look to such issues


Aircraft still loses power at 10000 feet after installing updated F-104. throttles has 0 deadzoneā€¦plus even when aircraft isnā€™t powered when moving throttle to afterburner you hear the afterburner noiseā€¦

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didnā€™t try new version yet, but in current 1.2.4(?) this but present as well about not working engine and sound of afterburner at afterburner throttle position

Interesting, Iā€™m currently flying the updated version and I donā€™t have these issues. No AB cutout above 10,000 and no AB sound except when itā€™s engaged. I do have a plume of smoke coming out of the belly of the aircraft, but I do have the RedWing Super Connie installed and I believe that was a known conflict.

EDIT - Removing the Super Connie got rid of that particular smoke effect but I seem to be back to the later smoke issue which was caused by an effect from a World Update, I think the latest US one. Otherwise the update is all positives for me. I did notice the airspeed gauge seems to be a good 40 knots less than my ground speed. I wouldnā€™t expect this much at sea level but then again I could be wrong.