[Development version] A32NX | FlybyWire Simulations

Hi there,

Our custom-built implementation of VNAV Version 1 is now on our Development version! Pilots now have vertical guidance in managed modes in all phases of flight alongside appropriate visual indicators on the ND and various available predictions in MCDU. We also added a quality of life pause at T/D feature.

While we do still have features for VNAV yet to come, a huge thanks is in order for a team-wide effort to finally bring this out of testing.

Vertical navigation for RNP approaches are still works in progress.

See full feature set and documentation here: https://docs.flybywiresim.com/vnav/

Happy Flying!


Hi there,

just a short notice: the Experimental Version of the A32NX will be retired shortly as we have completed the majority of the major feature testing and development associated with the branch. We will continue to introduce new features into the Development Version.

Users currently on Experimental will be able to transition seemlessly to Development using our installer.

We will be updating our documentation, website, and installer in the near future.

Happy Flying!


Hi there,

We recently implemented the ability to perform a crossbleed engine start in the Development Version of the A32NX. This procedure allows the second engine of the aircraft to be started from pressurized bleed air of the first engine, rather than the APU.

It’s a procedure that is not commonly used in real life; however, it is an excellent trick to have up your sleeve if your APU is INOP! The relevant indications on the ECAM are provided by realistically simulated pressure and temperature sensors. A fully-fledged, physical fluid simulation computes the airflow through pneumatic ducts and dynamic valves between different components. This means that accurate readings can be expected throughout the full operating envelope, including abnormal situations. Refer to our documentation to learn about the crossbleed start procedure.

Refer to our documentation to learn about the crossbleed start procedure:

And some while ago we also implemented different automatic Call Out variations, which are now selectable in the flyPad. The basic configuration offered by Airbus is set as the default. You can customise to suit your desire, subject to a couple of rules:

  • one of “four hundred” or “five hundred” is mandatory,

  • only one of the 2500 feet options can be selected.

There’s a button at the bottom to reset back to the basic configuration at any time. To access the options press the settings icon at the bottom left of the flyPad, choose “Aircraft Options/Pin Programs”, and then press “Select” next to “Automatic Call Outs”.

Happy flying.


Hi there,

We have recently streamlined the way our aircraft is integrated with Navigraph services in the Development version. There is now a single login for all Navigraph services, including Charts, SimBrief and (in the future) airport mapping data for OANS (onboard airport navigation). Here is what changes for you, depending on your situation:

  • If you already have connected the flyPad to Navigraph for the Charts functionality : Nothing will change for you - SimBrief integration will now use the Navigraph account you have already linked.
  • If you have not connected the flyPad to Navigraph already : You will need to link your account to use SimBrief integration. You do not need a paid Navigraph subscription - this integration is still free!
  • If you do shared cockpit flights and often use someone else’s SimBrief user ID : There is a new setting allowing you to temporarily use a different user ID for importing the OFP. Note that this may restrict some more advanced upcoming functionality.

More informations here: https://docs.flybywiresim.com/fbw-a32nx/feature-guides/simbrief/

Happy Flying!


Hi there,

NOAA recently gave aviationweather.gov a huge overhaul and with that added a new API. We’ve now been able to add NOAA as a METAR source for FBW aircraft, providing worldwide coverage. The option is selectable on the flyPad ATSU/AOC settings page in the Developmet Version. Additionally the NOAA TAF source has been fixed in line with the new API, and a couple of other no-longer working options are removed.

Also we’ve made various changes to the PERF pages in the MCDU. The changes include:

  • Implemented an option to preselect a managed descent speed.
  • Implemented the CHECK SPEED MODE message on the PFD.
  • Only allow preselecting a selected CLB speed in CAS.
  • Allow preselecting a cruise speed as CAS or Mach.
  • Show cruise speed as CAS below FL250 and as Mach above FL250.
  • Implemented an option to modify PRED TO altitude on PERF CLB and PERF DES pages.
  • Added altitude predictions in selected modes on the PERF DES page.

Happy flying.


Hi there,

The whole team at FlyByWire Simulations wishes you some relaxing days after this exciting year and all the best for 2024.
As sort of a last surprise, we did something with the A32NX in the latest Development Version, but we won’t tell you what it is - you’ll find out that some glaring issues were fixed when entering the flight deck.

Enjoy and happy flying!


Hi there,

We’re thrilled to announce the release of our entirely custom FMSv2 for the A32NX into the Development Version! This update is packed with some long-awaited features such as:

  • Missed approach capability
  • Alternate flight plan capability (initial implementation)
  • Improved logic and handling of FMS routing
  • Enhanced logic for constraints and speed/altitude restrictions
  • STARs with multiple IAFs string together correctly

While the RNP/RNAV vertical aspect is not yet available with this update, FMSv2 sets the stage for its future implementation alongside other planned features. Update now!

Read the docs for more info: https://docs.flybywiresim.com/fbw-a32nx/feature-guides/cFMS/


Happy Flying!


Hi there,

Our A32NX now has a custom-built performance calculator tailored specifically to the A320neo. Available now on the Development version!
Our calculator lets the pilots:

  • Determine if the airplane can take off at the intended takeoff weight from a designated runway at a specified temperature, wind, and QNH setting using a specified airplane configuration and bleed settings (A/I and A/C);
  • Determine the Flex temperature if a reduced thrust setting (Flex) can be used;
  • Determine the appropriate takeoff speeds, V1, VR, and V2, for the conditions specified.

Please note: We will be disabling the VSpeeds auto input LSK on the MCDU shortly on the Development version. We also intend to add takeoff performance uplink capability to the FMS in the future.

See our documentation: https://docs.flybywiresim.com/flypad-performance/

Happy Flying!