DHC-2 Beaver fuel keybindings not working

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I dont use any mods

Brief description of the issue:

All fuel related keybindings such as switching the fuel tanks, fuel pump or manual fuel pump are not doing anything in the Beaver. The keybindings work in other planes, no matter the peripheral you assign them to. This only occurs in the Beaver.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Bind a fuel related function such as any of the fuel tank switches to any peripheral. Jump into the Beaver. Try using the button you bound in the previous step on your peripheral.

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

Any peeripheral. I used the following to test this: Honeycomb Bravo, Saitek X56, Virpil Shalka. As stated above, the keybindings DO work iun other planes.

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

40th Anniversary Edition

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If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

Unable to bind any key or peripheral button to the electric fuel pump or manual wobble pump on the new DHC-2 Beaver.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:


Still nothing on this? Nicely done Blackbird/Milviz.

Still nothing. Still not working.

Blackbird/milviz is a great thing eh? Can’t wait for A2A.

No idea. This has happend before in the early days or MSFS 2020 with stock planes, I could see how this is an error on the MS/Asobo side.

I am not an insider so I am not placing blame.


As the Beaver is not ours, we cannot provide any support for this product. If you wish to have your bug(s) fixed, please give it to Microsoft.


Blackbird team.

I believe that is what this thread is for ?

Same here - please fix

Still not working. Surely this is a very quick fix. C’mon Asobo!

Nothing is quick or easy for Asobo unfortunately.

Me too. I love flying it. But miss thouse fuel key bind working. Especially in rush of emergencies.