Does anyone else have this issue. I really like this aircraft except for this .
Do I need to adjust my controls?
Any ideas, thanks
I have never seen a slew-on-landing issue using the DA62X which I fly almost exclusively, a mod that fixes many ill behaviors of the base DA62 in the sim:
If you are on a PC and the mod does not stop the slew-on-landing issue you are having, I do not know what is causing that issue for you.
Hello AviatorCSnet.
I installed this mod, actually the only one so far, and placed it into my Community Folder. It is contained in a folder caller DA62X directly below Community.
Is that correct??
I do not see a GREY TRIANGLE anywhere. How to tell if the mod is installed correctly?
Seems you have it installed correctly, screenshot shows the grey triangle. The mod creator suggests there is no need to use custom control settings for the mod.
Heh Silentrover4182
Thanks, I was looking for a tiny 1/2" icon not a huge part of the tarmac.
That’s great.
AND on my first 2 flights, it seems much smoother.
Excellent, I was thinking you are looking for something far more subtle. Welcome to the world of mods, this one makes the DA 62 much more interesting and absorbing.