Did I mess up my T6?

I want to ask those of you who own any of the new T-6 aircraft for some perspective. I “might” have messed mine up, so please read this and respond if you feel so disposed.

I decided to buy one single Texan to try it out. I selected “EROS” as it seemed to have the best combination of an original warbird paint scheme and original instrument arrangement. I bought it, installed it, flew it and was delighted by it.

Then, I decided to move it into my addon-linker to keep my aircraft selection uncluttered. So first, as a test of functionality, I moved the T-6 common files folder, and the Eros folder out of Steam’s “Official” folder and into the regular community. Then I re-started MSFS, selected the aircraft, and found I had no pilot avatar. “Oops” I said to myself!.. So I shut down MSFS and moved the folders back into “official.”

When I re-started MSFS, I had a pilot again. However, the sound seems different. Pulling back on the throttle seems to have almost no impact on engine sound until it is almost at idle, and changing the prop lever also demands a lot of movement before sounds are changed. I do not remember it being like that on my first flight after purchase.

Also, there is a strange anomaly in the canopy glass beside the lower front window frames as seen from the cockpit. It is almost semi transparent or over reflective. A bit hard to describe. Again, I do not recall it being there on my first fight session.

So I manually deleted the T-6 folders, and re-launched MSFS. It gave me a mandatory re-download of the T-6 common files folder, and then I had to re-download the aircraft itself from the marketplace. However, the sound unresponsiveness and glass visual anomaly continue.

Can some kind-hearted Asobo T-6 owner just tell me how responsive their engine sound is to throttle changes. And also if they see anything strange on the bottom edge of the glass where it meets the window frame.

Maybe these characteristics were there from the start and I missed these because I was so delighted on my first flight. OR, perhaps I really have messed something up that even a re-load did not fix… But it just does not “feel” the same.

Any feedback would be appreciated, and I will NEVER try to move stuff out of the “official” folder again!

  • Kenneth

I think you are seeing the thickness of the glass or perspex, it also appears on the vertical edges in your screenshot. Alternatively, I may be seeing something totally different from what you are seeing!

Thank you, Ah the joys of subjective perspective. Hmmm, that would make a good book title! (Seriously, as an author it does get me thinking!)

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Still problems with that window frame on T6 “Eros.” Can anyone confirm? I bought “Gunslinger” to compare, and that one is fine. It is almost as if a texture is missing. I have now re-installed Eros twice, and it is still the same.

My T6 has the same throttle response. Trying to find answers, but so far no luck.

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